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Monthly Archives: April 2018
London coroner ordered to favor Jews/Muslims
From the Daily Mail: High Court orders coroner to ditch ‘cab rank’ system for burials and give Muslims and Jews priority because of their ‘deeply held beliefs’ High Court judges have ordered a coroner to change her ‘unlawful’ cab-rank queuing … Continue reading
Yahoo swaps victim and perp
Look at this story from Yahoo: The story clearly states that the man on the left is Joseph Pirri, who was killed by the man on the right, Everett Moore. I thought the one on the right looked younger, so … Continue reading
Toronto van attack: Islam’s fault
A man plowed a van into a crowd in Toronto, Canada, killing ten people, and injuring even more. I know about as much about Alek Minassian as the rest of y’all, which is practically nothing. The name Minassian sounds Armenian, and … Continue reading
Posted in crime and violence, Muslims
Tagged Alek Minassian, Islamic terror by vehicle, murder by vehicle, Toronto attack
Good doctors being forced out in UK
In case you had any doubts as to the grim future that awaits the UK, here’s an example of how things are going over there: NHS surgeon accused of racism and ‘forced out of job’ after raising concerns about three … Continue reading
Lewontin’s Fallacy is alive and well
It’s amazing how many people still cite Lewontin’s Fallacy, in support of racial egalitarianism, as if it’s a reasonable argument. I’ve been arguing with a man on Quora about race, and he wrote: You’ve never defined “dominant” so all your … Continue reading
I found this gem on Quora
I’ve been participating in the online forum Quora recently, trying to guide people to the truth (my opinions :). When I saw the following, I knew I had to share it – as a cautionary tale: In 2013, my baby … Continue reading
Posted in Africa and blacks, crime and violence, miscegenation
“Make America Great Again” Portland walk
My son’s in town visiting. It was his idea to walk around Portland wearing “Make America Great Again” hats. Unfortunately, he only had one, which I grabbed and wore. He did, however, have a nice Trump t-shirt, which he wore. … Continue reading
Posted in activism