Germany’s shameful concern about Jews

A recent article from The Atlantic asks: Can Germany Protect its Jews?

For understandable reasons, Europeans are much more comfortable condemning the familiar anti-Semitism of the far right than the sort expressed by migrants entering Europe as the victims of war and economic deprivation. Nowhere is this issue more fraught than in Germany.

To a degree unmatched by any other nation, Germany has confronted its horrific past with commendable honesty. After World War II, Germany assumed responsibility for its crimes and obliged itself both to protect Jewish life and to offer sanctuary to those escaping violent conflict and political persecution. But the recent intake of so many migrants from places where anti-Semitism is rife has produced an uncomfortable tension between these two commitments.

That tension was laid bare recently when a video shot on a Berlin street went viral. It depicted a young man wearing a kippa, or Jewish skullcap, being assaulted by a Syrian asylum-seeker. German Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned the incident as a “disgrace.” This week, thousands of Germans of different faith groups donned kippa in several cities and marched in solidarity with the Jewish community.  Some Muslim women wore kippotover their hijabs. It was an admirable display. But if Germany—the country leading the rest of Europe—is serious about addressing anti-Semitism, it will need to make the safety of its Jewish communities a higher priority when considering future migrant inflows.

For the plain fact is that most of the migrants who have come (and continue to come) to Europe hail from Muslim-majority countries that long ago expelled their once-vibrant Jewish populations, where anti-Semitism figures prominently in state propaganda, and where belief in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories is widespread. To take just one obvious incongruity between Germany and the migrants it is accepting: Holocaust denial, a crime punishable by prison in Germany, is pervasive across the Muslim and Arab Middle East.

Why is this shameful? Because there seems to be no concern, whatsoever, for non-Jewish Germans, who have suffered far worse than being hit by a belt.

Given the lack of concern, by the German government, for its own citizens, I would be ashamed if I were a German Jew. The concern shown for me would be akin to accepting a meal from a starving homeless person. Take care of yourself, and your own, first. Is it beneath Merkel’s dignity to describe the rape of German women, by savages, as a “disgrace?” The article goes on:

The conundrum facing Germany is no better represented than in the person of Merkel herself. The most pro-Israel chancellor in German history and the one most sensitive to Jewish concerns, Merkel’s attitude to Jewry is uncomplicated by the resentments and historical hang-ups possessed by some of her predecessors. In a 2008 speech to the Israeli Knesset, Merkel used unprecedented language to describe her country’s responsibility for Israeli security, stating that it constituted a German staatsraïson, or “reason of state.” Earlier this month, her government appointed a commissioner to fight anti-Semitism.

If only she showed half as much concern for her own people. As far as I’m concerned, she can take her pro-Israel sentiments and place them somewhere under her ugly fat flaps.

As the horror of what Merkel, and her allies, have wrought upon Europe becomes more evident, Native Europeans will increasingly despise her. European Jews should then be asking themselves, “is this the sort of ally we want?” If Merkel is sincerely concerned about neo-Nazis attacking Jews, then the worst thing she could do is embrace us while simultaneously demonstrating her utter disdain for Europe’s beleaguered natives.

I’d say a good 30%-40% of the negative feelings American whites have against blacks is due to the adoration lavished upon blacks by the same elites who would prefer that whites cease to exist entirely. A similar dynamic is probably at work in Europe regarding its hostile elites and the Jews. My enemy’s friend is also my enemy.

But this is secondary to me. What really disturbs me is the callous disregard for the welfare of non-Jewish Germans. It’s as if they’re not even worthy of mention.

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2 Responses to Germany’s shameful concern about Jews

  1. says:

    Absolutely correct.

  2. Thomas K. says:

    Keep up the good work, m8.

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