I’ll just be lazy and copy and paste:
Nigeria, (tried to) work there for 3 years. My first and worst experience of Africa..and hopefully last.
- Nothing works and no one seems to care, it’s all ‘someone else’s problem’.
- Being objectified as a potential source of money, rather than a human being. As an obvious none Africa foreigner, every single person who approached me uninitiated, be it in the street, a bar, or hotel, (even inside a supermarket) would try to hustle you.
- The smell – Reaking BO to make your eyes water. Once again no-one cares about personal hygiene whether they are rich or poor.
- The inedible food which gave me food poisoning all the time. Got so bad I ended up living on canned soup (when I could find it to buy) and multi-vitamins.
- Total lack of customer service culture. Ordering food took hours even with no other customers, over half the things on menues were never available (I think they were just to there for show) and when you finally got your food, after complaining two times at least, it was either overcooked and/or stone cold/inedible/wrong order (all of the above) Complain…’so sorry sir’ or ‘no have, tomorrow sir’ shrug shoulder and even laugh at you nervously. This was at the local equivalent of high end hotels and restaurants too.
- It’s a kleptocracy, he who steals the most has the most power. No shame and no self respect. The exception being government officials and rich business men (usually the same persons) who thought they were gods as they had already achieved the position to steal whatever they wanted unopposed, thus they had egos bigger than mountains! Whether you claim to be a Christian or a Muslim, money is the only God there.
- Considering the obsession with money no one understands ‘time is money’, and they waste yours without a care. It take 5 times longer to do anything than it does in the West and that’s if you can even get it done. Local saying ‘Nigerians get paid to turn up to work, everything else at that point is extra’.
- Insanity that is traffic. Someone told me ‘Nigerians don’t Drive…they move vehicles’. No rhyme or reason to driving as it is done either at insane speeds weaving all over roads in smoke belching car about to fall apart or brand new BMW/Mercedes covered in dents and scratch’s. Or you’re stuck in traffic jam for hours because no one will let anyone else through ahead of them, even an inch. So traffic jams up everywhere and no one gets to where they’re going fast. People driving on pavements or even embankments to get a few yards ahead of others in jams and then forcing themselves back into the traffic stream, it’s called playing chicken with your paintwork. Total disregard for safety of self or others and absent of restraint. Total chaos.
- No responsibility for consequence of your own action to others. When there is an accidental it’s either ‘the Devil’s work’ or ‘Allah’s will’ never their own fault. Oh and shouting, lots of shouting!
- Lack of any credible law and order. Can’t remember the number of times I got pulled over for an attempted to extract a ‘dash'(bribe) from the white man driving himself (see traffic..I didn’t trust my life to a locals driving skills). Worst as a MOPOL who was guard at my accommodation compound armed with an AK-47 and so drunk he swayed back & forth and had to lean on my car to stand up. Last thing you do when you’re on trouble is call a police officer.
- Constant threat of being kidnapped for ransom, something with is at epidemic proportions amongst the local population and just a fact taken for granted. Local phrase is ‘(ATM) Any Time Money’. Trouble is as a foreigner there is an unrealistic expectation that you’re worth millions$ and when they are not forth coming they start to send you back piece by piece till they get some cash! Local phrase for kidnappings foreigners is ‘white gold’. While I was there they murdered a husband of French couple on a camping trip (yes crazy I know), kidnapped a 70y+ American nun and dozens of other foreigners. One point they even invaded high end supermarkets in Lagos to kidnap the foreigners, boarding schools to steal children in the night plus local Doctors and Nurses strait out of A&E, Lawyers and Judges out of courts, Professors, teachers from universities and schools, all kidnapped weekly.
- Constantly collapsing water & power infrastructure. 3–4 days a week no water in morning. Power off 8–12 hrs a day, no fuel or spare parts for backup generator, etc. This was in the Capital city Abuja, in a high end suburb for embassies etc. Driving round the city at night was dicing with death as only 20–30% of streetlight work or have power to work and 90% of the few functional traffic lights (nearly always ignored) turned off…but still crazy drivers, this time with only 50% having 2 functioning headlights!
- I could go on and on…I don’t have a positive thing to say about the place. Basically if the 57 countries I’ve visited in the world this is the worst hands down and I never want to go back.
Oh and just in case you think my opinion is isolated, check out these articles from the BBC in Nigeria, even an interview from their own President.
This is our future, unless we can put a stop to the population-replacement policies now in place.
But, remember: every culture is equal!
And they ALL want – nay demand – to come to Europe as “refugees” in order to enrich our pale, male, stale cultures.
could you link this reply, as I can’t find it….thanks
You’ve got to follow the link at the top of the article – and then scroll, scroll scroll. And then scroll some more. I don’t know how to link to a specific answer that’s so far down the page, but it’s there, and you’ll reach it if you keep scrolling.
I thought do. The problem is – its hard not to read other answers as some are so interesting. If you had put the name of the guy who posted it then I could search his answers….thanks
Richard Munrow
This person clearly hasn’t enjoyed the stench of India. I can say the restaurants and stores will have things in stock but doing business there is a real shit show. Its all about status whoring and “credentials”. Just an awful people. Lots of graft as well. There is a shocking lack of empathy and lying as well. Satan could learn about lying from them. Trust one and they will stab you in the back once they can gain something or replace you with one of their fellow caste members.
My parents are from Nigeria. I often feel guilty about supporting the Alternative Right, but there’s no doubt that the West is foolish to let large numbers of Africans emigrate here.
My mom visits my grandmother in Nigeria at least once a year. I always beg her not to go, but she never listens. I’m not fluent in Yoruba, so I don’t know what I’ll do if she gets kidnapped or hurt and I need to go bring her back.
you will be kidnapped too. Who will get you out of that kidnapping situation?
I read that mercenaries are very good at retrieving people who have been kidnapped abroad. I hope I never need to hire one.
Some say Israelis are Khazars. Khazars are Turks. Like Erdogan…
All these comment is so racist.
It is official policy to not speak bad about Blacks or Africans. One must not break this gag order. The racist truth must never be spoken.
This is the topic of TruthRevolution.net . Please add it to your blog roll
Lying by dishonesty, by omission and distortion, is socially accepted, if not required.
1) Omissions, Dishonesty, Lies: we expose the institutionalized omissions of the media, the untruths of the Left, and the dishonesty of politicians in general; dishonesty with manipulative intent on misleading the population and the voter, thus subverts democracy.
2) Law and Order: shows how the Left and the Media totally disrespect the law, disregard voter intent, and accept violence
3) Truth Revolution: incites individual disobedience against the code of silence and concerted group revolt against governmental and societal gag orders by simply telling the whole truth.
In times of universal lies and deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act (?George Orwell ???).
The informed voter who knows the truth will cease voting based on misinformation.
The first post here should be dedicated to jewamongyou’s traumatic busing experience
* Every child deserves a safe and happy childhood.
* Illegal Aliens are neither “Undocumented” nor “immigrants”
* Bay Area Transit intentionally misleads riders and the world
* Fool me twice, shame on me!
* Conspire to Tell the Truth, Defy Gag Orders
Truthrevolution was abandoned, changed to a new site with better domain, http://Sincerity.net Please study, accompany and, if you can, put in blogroll instead of Truthrevolution.net
Off Topic: in PORTLAND Ore it must not been said, at a University, that women are different than men