From NBCSan Diego:
A man with a rifle entered Chabad of Poway on Rancho Bernardo Road, west of Interstate 15 at 11:23 a.m. and opened fire on the people inside, law enforcement officials said.
“We didn’t hear him screaming or saying anything. He was just focused to kill. You saw the hate and the murder in his eyes,” Danny Almong, a witness, told NBC 7. “He had a vest and he had clips in the vest. He was ready. He was ready. He came in to kill.”
The suspect John T. Earnest, 19, graduate of Mount Miguel High School and student at Cal State San Marcos. Earnest does not have a criminal history and has no apparent connection with white supremacist groups, according to San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore.
Is John Earnest a CNN executive? Not exactly, but he is a product of CNN (and other fake news networks) policies. He is a product of Facebook policies, and of Quora policies.
While these companies are all too eager to discuss the shortcomings of whites, real or perceived, they do not allow any criticism of non-white groups or of Jews.
As a result, they’ve surrendered any such discussions to groups such as Stormfront and Vanguard Network.
While there’s some valid criticism to be found on those forums, much of it speaks of Jews as if we’re a monolithic entity. Much of it encourages blind hatred against people based solely on their ethnic background.
If we had a respectable mainstream media, which was willing to openly discuss issues affecting whites, including the open hostility so many of my co-ethnics have toward whites, then perhaps Mr. Earnest would have found more constructive venues for his frustrations. Perhaps he would have even known that Chabad (same as “Lubavitch”) members tend to be politically conservative; they’re not anti-white generally speaking – though some of their dogma is anti-goy. I think most white people would find Chabadnicks to be excellent neighbors.
What has Mr. Earnest accomplished through this horrific deed?
- He has given more ammunition to the Establishment Left (CNN and their ilk) for their war against whites.
- He might have created animosity against whites, among Jews, where there was none before.
- He has taken an innocent life, and affected the lives of other negatively.
- He has destroyed his own life.
- He has given yet more ammunition to the anti-gun forces – except that this happened in California, where, theoretically, it “couldn’t” have happened.
- He has added a level of fear among a harmless demographic, which does not deserve to live in fear.
I think now would be a good time for CNN executives, and editors, to take a good look in the mirror, and rethink their repressive policies.
Conspiracy” Theories:
Kevin McDonald and David Duke have interesting arguments how
Jewish elites pool their power in media, businesses and finance
industries against competitors and to promote leftist policies
like open borders. Disclaimer: we do NOT promote these opinions,
just report for completeness’ sake.
you should check David Duke. His audiobook “My Awakening” is still available on youtube for you to listen to while house cleaning or working out. The Disclaimer applies ….
Mathematical proof of what you blogged about a long time ago, that virtually everyone is descended from royalty.