Washington County pushing more Diversity

Residents of Washington County, Oregon have received emails including a draft resolution from the county, and a survey.

Here is the first part of the resolution:

Whereas, the government of Washington County is of and for all the people of Washington County; and

Whereas, Washington County is one of the most racially and ethnically diverse counties in the State of Oregon, and this diversity fuels innovation and supports robust communities and a rich cultural life in the County, the State of Oregon, and the nation; and

Whereas, areas and regions of the country that are more racially and ethnically diverse enjoy stronger economies – and often, better social and health outcomes – than those that are less diverse; and

Whereas, we, the Washington County Board of Commissioners, recognize Oregon’s and America’s long history of racial discrimination, and the many barriers in our County that impede diversity, equity, and inclusion; and

Whereas, Washington County residents of color, on average, experience higher rates of poverty and unemployment, and have lower median incomes, than the County’s White, non-Hispanic residents; and the 2018 “Leading with Race” report from the Coalition of Communities of Color noted, among other findings, that:

• Lenders in Washington County are more likely to reject home-loan applications from high income African Americans and Latinos 86% and 125% respectively, compared to those from high-income White (non-Hispanic) home loan applicants.

• 68% of Native American single mothers with children are in poverty in Washington County, a rate even higher than the national poverty rate of 48% for Native American single mothers.

• Despite these and other challenges, racial and ethnic communities in Washington County continue to build and nourish thriving families, businesses, and neighborhoods; and Whereas, these inequities can and must be addressed as Washington County has a moral and legal responsibility to provide all its residents with equitable access to the County’s public resources;

The full text of the resolution can be found here.

One of the first things that springs to mind is the very existence of a “Coalition of Communities of Color,” and the fact that such a coalition is given authority when it comes to matters of governance. Was there any input from the “Coalition of White Communities?” Of course not; such a coalition wouldn’t be recognized, assuming it was even allowed to exist. This illustrates the fact that it’s white people who are marginalized, not “people of color.”

Needless to say, the resolution did not provide any evidence that such Diversity actually does “create stronger economies.” I have sent an email to the contact person, asking for the source/evidence. If there’s a response, I’ll post it.

The email was sent out both in English and in Spanish, and there is no citizenship requirement to fill out the survey. Here’s the first page of the survey:


The survey can be found here. As far as I can tell, there is no prohibition against random people, from anywhere in the world, identifying as a Washington County “community member” or “other.” Needless to say, I did fill out the survey, and politely pointed out that many poor white people fall through the cracks, and that there are no government agencies whose job is to specifically look out for them.

It sickens me to think that even more of my tax money is going to be spent supporting the false god of Diversity. Dear readers, you have the links. Thank you.

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