I experienced Diversity today (language warning)!

Yes, even in the western suburb of Hillsboro, we can enjoy the benefits of Diversity. I was outside a shop, and was able to capture the wonderful kumbaya song of love that so characterizes the interaction of Diverse People of Color in our progressive city.

Here, listen for yourself, as a large Hispanic man lovingly interacts with members of the local African American community. It’s so heartwarming!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp7wXO1184Q&w=560&h=315]


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5 Responses to I experienced Diversity today (language warning)!

  1. I says:

    Nothing unusual about that. It’s the language of the streets.

    • DINDUNUFFINS says:

      Yup the Black ghetto trash language of uneducated , violent LOW IQ morons who don’t know how to speak english or in a civil manner. This is America run by Black ghetto trash Obama’s sons.Being as the whole country emulates moronic violent ghetto trash Black culture. This is what Blacks have done to the country. Blacks are so cool.

      • Being as the whole country emulates moronic violent ghetto trash Black culture. This is what Blacks have done to the country.

        It is what “we” ALLOWED. “We” did not push back and say no.

        I put WE in quotes because I refused to be a part of it. I won’t talk like a low-impulse, low-IQ N3gr0, and also will not talk like some low-IQ white-trash either.

  2. Public discourse even among the non-diverse, that is, white people, has fallen just as far, JAY. The American people have devolved into a coarse, vulgar collection of fools who cannot express themselves without four letter words, or with “text-speak” like WTF.

    You (and I) may not like that our country is for the most part gone, but the very people we both value are more than complicit in the downfall of this once-great nation.

    • DINDUNUFFINS says:

      The Black ghetto trash language of uneducated , violent LOW IQ morons who don’t know how to speak english or in a civil manner. This is America run by Black ghetto trash Obama’s sons.Being as the whole country emulates moronic violent ghetto trash Black culture. This is what Blacks have done to the country. White people and all other people are just emulating the LOW IQ Black ghetto trash violent behaviour because this country defends and makes endless excuses to allow Blacks to do whatever they want.No matter how many crimes or riots or mob attacks Blacks continue doing they are just allowed to get away with all of it because arresting them or telling them to shut up would be raaaayyyyyyyycisssss. LOL.Enjoy Black culture as it destroys any semblance of civility in this nation. Mogadishu is what everyone wants and it is what everyone will get.Education in this country and her standards were lowered so that Blacks could “feel” good.Now everyone has had to lower themselves to their LOW IQ level of “civility”. It used to be the standard to UPLIFT and acheive and raise yourself up to a higher standard. Not down. We have allowed everything to fall to the lowest common denominator and then go around patting them on the back and defending it like it’s the greatest acheivment to emulate Black ghetto trash culture.And before anyone comes out with their BS excuses to not blame Blacks and say that it’s all these other outside forces.I say BS. There are plenty of foreigners who have no problem acheiving everything that Whites used to stand for.Whites ,especially the youth,love emulating and putting Blacks on a pedestal instead of standing by their own great culture that had built a great country.We have allowed ourselves to defend this Black nonsense and act like this is an American value. How pathetic.

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