I found this text prominently displayed at the entrance to the Virginia Garcia medical clinic near where I live:
My translation:
Virginia Garcia welcomes…
All creeds
All religions
All nationalities
All people
All sexual orientations
We stand with you
You are safe here
… because Arabs are so unsafe in the Portland area. In all seriousness, I can think of only two anti-Muslim incidents in our area in recent history. One was when a man started yelling at two black Muslim girls on a bus, two bystanders intervened, and the man stabbed them, killing both. It was international news. The other was when a woman snatched the hijab off of the head of a Muslim woman. That (black) woman was charged with a bias-crime, and this incident was also nationally reported. Other than that, I see Muslims walking around, going about their business, every day. Nobody bothers them. They are SAFE EVERYWHERE IN PORTLAND. They don’t have to visit Virginia Garcia to be safe, unless they need to be safe from disease and injury.
Do progressives really think they’re going to turn Arabs, most of whom (in my area) are Muslims, into progressive SJWs? It’s hard to tell. The impression I get is that they’re allies against the Evil Deplorable White Men who Vote for Trump (EDWMVTs). It appears that progressives actually mistake this alliance for genuine friendship.
I hope I’m still alive when American progressives find out how wrong they were.
I wonder if the red ‘CAUTION STAND BACK’ sign at the top ought to be included in the message. Taken together, that would change the meaning of the whole.