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Monthly Archives: March 2020
AOC: Let us not neglect potential immigrants!
Miss Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is outraged that 150 million would-be immigrants, mostly in Africa and Latin America, are being denied their rightful share of the recently-passed stimulus package. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is very upset that potential immigrants won’t be receiving … Continue reading
Do we need a mensch in the White House?
Mensch: A Yiddish word that means (roughly) “gentleman.” I got this from a relative recently: Rabbi Michael Beals: “The story I’m about to share with you about Joe Biden is special — in fact, I’m fairly certain I’m the only … Continue reading
One of the most brutal murders in Atlanta
If you value your life, do not: a) Cultivate a drug habit b) Buy your drugs from black gang members c) Talk to the police while living this lifestyle and d) Have a black girlfriend or wife if you’re a … Continue reading
A laugh for hard times
I hope all of y’all are healthy out there. Try not to get too discouraged. This, too, shall pass. Some of y’all are running out of toilet paper. I found this on my local site. If it works here, … Continue reading
Yes, I’m mad at China
USA Today has chided President Trump for his use of the term “Chinese Virus.” WASHINGTON – After lawmakers, community advocates and health experts advised against attaching a location to the coronavirus pandemic, President Donald Trump has continued to refer to it … Continue reading
More anti-white drivel from Business Insider
If you have a sudden urge to lick the seat of a public toilet, and you’re not sure why, I can help explain it to you: You’ve been influenced by an “influencer.” Since mere mortals don’t know what to do … Continue reading
A stroll in a historic cemetery
Once in a while, when the opportunity arises, I enjoy strolling through old cemeteries. They’re good places to contemplate our own fleeting existence, and to enjoy interesting artwork and history. Yesterday, I found myself near Lone Fir Cemetery. I decided … Continue reading
Ilhan Omar Endorses Joe Biden After He Confuses Wife With Sister
I’ve got to hand it to the folks at The Babylon Bee. This is brilliant: Ilhan Omar Endorses Joe Biden After He Confuses Wife With Sister But Omar was forced to reconsider her endorsement and eventually switched it over to … Continue reading
The Guardian’s two-faced stance on disease
For years, conservatives have been warning about the health dangers of mass immigration into the United States. In 2014, VDare published an article titled “Open Borders Admit Tuberculosis And The Government Is Transporting It Throughout The Country.” The type of … Continue reading
“Accurate and fair” from Business Insider
When a black man assaulted an Asian man on a New York subway, Business Insider’s headline was: Shocking video shows a New York City subway rider spraying an Asian man and yelling at him to move The article features two … Continue reading