Ilhan Omar Endorses Joe Biden After He Confuses Wife With Sister

I’ve got to hand it to the folks at The Babylon Bee. This is brilliant:

Ilhan Omar Endorses Joe Biden After He Confuses Wife With Sister

But Omar was forced to reconsider her endorsement and eventually switched it over to Joe Biden after the former vice president confused his wife and sister at a recent rally.

“After seeing how Biden mixed up his wife and his sibling, I realized he is the man to lead our nation,” Omar said in a speech Tuesday. “Biden appears to be a man of upstanding moral character and fine cognitive ability. Other people think he is senile, but I know what’s really going on: he is simply coming to embrace a progressive morality where one is free to marry one’s sibling.”

I’m kicking myself for having failed to think of this myself.

On the flip side, Omar would be encouraging cultural appropriation. It’s well known that American blacks are descended from the “kings and queens of ancient Egypt.” Those kings and queens practiced sibling marriage – so it should be forbidden for whites to do so;  it’s as bad as whites having dreadlocks.

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