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Monthly Archives: April 2020
The hypocrisy of Rachel Chang
In a recent article in, Rachel Chang complains about racism against Asians while, at the same time, displaying her own bias against whites. On March 2nd, I went to Costco. News that coronavirus (COVID-19) could hit the U.S. the … Continue reading
Primitive thinking around the world
I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos. Some of them are quite educational. I’ll share two of them with y’all today. The first one is a Vice documentary about an excursion into Congo in search of a rare strain … Continue reading
Notes on Yemenite Hebrew
You would expect that a person like me would attract more hate, on Quora, for my political views. This is not necessarily so; some of my fellow Jews have attacked me for my default use of Yemenite Hebrew (that is … Continue reading
Posted in Jewish stuff and Israel
Tagged correct shewa, Hebrew pronunciation, shewa in Hebrew, Yemenite Hebrew
Welcoming Nautilus to the fold
If you’re not familiar with the Nautilus science website, here’s some information from Wikipedia: Nautilus is an online and print science magazine that “combines the sciences, culture and philosophy into a single story.”[1] It publishes one “issue” on a selected … Continue reading
Amazon Whole Foods Docs: Workforce Diversity Helps Prevent Unions
A notification from Richard Spencer led me to this article from Information Liberation: Leaked Amazon Whole Foods Docs: Workforce Diversity Helps Prevent Unions Leaked internal documents from Amazon-owned Whole Foods reveal the company rates their stores using a “diversity index” … Continue reading
The Old Confederate Flag Canard
Conservatism Inc. strikes again, this time in the guise of Rich Lowry, writing for the National Review. Of course, the proximate cause of the protests this time is the coronavirus lockdowns rather than Obamacare, although the feel of the demonstrations … Continue reading
Posted in activism, freedom of speech issues, the South
Tagged anti government protest, Confederate flag, Rich Lowry
1 Comment
“Vulnerable” Latinos hit hard by Corona
With all the hoopla over blacks being disproportionately victimized by the CCPVirus, it was inevitable that Hispanics would also be so affected. Both populations suffer “disproportionately” from almost everything. USA Today reports: SAN FRANCISCO – In a city where 16% … Continue reading
Rushton’s fall from grace
One difference between seekers-of-truth, and those who do not seek truth, is that seekers-of-truth do not worship flesh and blood. If you claim that Martin Luther King was immoral and dishonest, you will be shouted down, and possibly physically attacked. … Continue reading
Might is Right or The Survival of the Fittest
At the insistent nudging of my friend Diversity Chronicle, I read the book The Survival of the Fittest, or The Philosophy of Power by Ragnar Redbeard. Here are some highlights, and my thoughts on them. Pg. 11: It is notorious, … Continue reading