A notification from Richard Spencer led me to this article from Information Liberation:
Leaked Amazon Whole Foods Docs: Workforce Diversity Helps Prevent Unions
Leaked internal documents from Amazon-owned Whole Foods reveal the company rates their stores using a “diversity index” and determined the threat of unionization is “higher” at stores with “lower diversity.”
Whole Foods is keeping an eye on stores at risk of unionizing through an interactive heat map, according to five people with knowledge of the matter and internal documents viewed by Business Insider.
The heat map is powered by an elaborate scoring system, which assigns a rating to each of Whole Foods’ 510 stores based on the likelihood that their employees might form or join a union.
The stores’ individual risk scores are calculated from more than two dozen metrics, including employee “loyalty,” turnover, and racial diversity […]
Store-risk metrics include average store compensation, average total store sales, and a “diversity index” that represents the racial and ethnic diversity of every store. Stores at higher risk of unionizing have lower diversity and lower employee compensation, as well as higher total store sales and higher rates of workers’ compensation claims, according to the documents.
This should give you a clue as to why our Woke Capitalist rulers are so eager to preach the mantra of “diversity.”
It’s not to my credit that I’ve neglected Information Liberation in my daily reading; it appears to be a solid site. There’s not much I can add to the excerpt above – except to point out that the Wikipedia article titled “Criticism of Amazon” doesn’t tell us which way the causation works:
Two years later, it was found that Whole Foods was using a heat map to track which stores had the highest levels of pro-union sentiment. Factors including racial diversity, proximity to other unions, poverty levels in the surrounding community and calls to the National Labor Relations Board were named as contributors to “unionization risk”
We’re left guessing whether MORE diversity leads to a higher risk of unionization, or LESS diversity. All we’re told is that it’s a “factor.”
The source of the Information Liberation article is Business Insider, a notorious left-wing rag I’ve written about before. The Business Insider article is hidden behind a paywall.
Computer Weekly (whose source is also Business Insider), like Wikipedia, gives us no clue as to how the correlation between diversity and unionization works:
These “risk scores” are calculated from over two dozen metrics – including employee “loyalty”, turnover, racial diversity, “tipline” calls to human resources and proximity to a union office – and shows the likelihood of employees in that location forming or joining a union.
It seems obvious to me that leftist sources are intentionally obfuscating the link between diversity and disunity among workers. It wasn’t that long ago that the left’s rallying cry was: Workers of the World, UNITE!
Let’s be honest here. The “leftist” elites are not leftists at all; they’re oligarchs. The true leftists who follow them are fools.
Interesting findings, no doubt. I am left-leaning and certainly find worrisome that the current left is totally blind to this type of things.
Considering your bio description you might enjoy this other blog, I did not see it featured in your blogroll:
I’m sure there’s worthy content on that site, but I don’t find the anti-Semitic graphics very appealing. Nothing’s been published there since November of last year, and the graphics on some of the posts are broken links.