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Monthly Archives: June 2020
“A man” and “a man”
Here’s a screenshot from the Microsoft “News” page today: In both incidents, the suspect had already been apprehended. The top story is about murder, the suspect having stabbed several people, one of whom died. The bottom story is about attempted … Continue reading
YouTube bans American Renaissance
Not that we needed any more evidence, but YouTube’s “Terms of Service” mean absolutely nothing; if they don’t like your point of view, they’ll ban you – regardless of whether you abide by their rules or not. It doesn’t matter. … Continue reading
Turkish nationalists attack Antifa in Austria
Thanks to Brittany Sellner for the details: Here’s a YouTube video showing the action: [youtube], perhaps you can help us by translating the comments on the video, since they’re in German.
Let’s send our support to Tiffany Riley
I got this email from Jared Taylor, and thought it appropriate to pass it on: Dear AmRen Supporter, You may have heard of Tiffany Riley, a high school principal in Windsor, VT, who was recently put on leave after writing a social … Continue reading
Chico’s FAS displays its piety
Chico’s FAS is a billion dollar corporation that specializes in women’s garb. It recently sent out a company-wide memo, which I have attached below: Several employees were upset by this shameless kowtowing to Black Lives Matter, and they quit. Shortly … Continue reading
BLM damages the environment
For most of us, the most visible result of the recent BLM riots is the massive amount of plywood businesses were forced to use once their windows were broken. Thousands of square feet of plywood have been used in Portland. … Continue reading
Which one is the real Dante Edden?
Microsoft News has gotten creative with their efforts to white-wash black crime. When reporting on the murder of Monique Leon, a 28 year-old black woman, this is the photo they used to depict the culprit, Dante Edden: A simple internet … Continue reading
Posted in Africa and blacks, crime and violence, examples of propaganda
Tagged Dante Edden, media bias, Microsoft News, Monique Leon
Portland “autonomous zone”
I was downtown today, scouting around. There’s an area in the heart of the city, near Pioneer Square, where the Apple Store used to be (until it was destroyed by “protesters”). This area is a shrine to the worship of … Continue reading
The Independent sets new low in anti-white race-baiting
When The Independent reported on a black man who shoved a 92 year-old white woman to the ground, it described it as: “Sex offender shoves 92-year-old woman to ground in New York.” But when it reported on an arson that … Continue reading
At least he looked after the kids
Another one bites the dust: A Queens man who authorities said brutally stabbed his girlfriend dead in her Dumont apartment before dawn Tuesday was captured by Closter police after he knocked on a local resident’s door in the middle of … Continue reading