Portland’s police chief steps down

From Oregon Live:

Jami Resch steps down as Portland police chief, asks Chuck Lovell, African American lieutenant, to take job

Not yet six months into her job, Portland Police Chief Jami Resch stepped down Monday and announced that she had asked Chuck Lovell, an African American lieutenant, to replace her.

The stunning change in leadership comes as city police are under fire for their handling of massive demonstrations across the city spurred by the May 25 killing of George Floyd, a black man who died after a white Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes…

Lovell, hired as a police officer in Portland in 2002, becomes the fourth African American to lead the city’s police force of about 950 sworn officers.

Resch said she considered the community’s needs and believed the change was necessary.

“I have asked Chuck Lovell to step into the role as chief of the Police Bureau,” she said at a noon news conference. “He’s the exact right person at the exact right moment.”

According to recent reports, Portland is about 6.1% black. From my experience, I think the black proportion is bit higher than that, probably closer to 10%.

Either way, we’re becoming a society where being black will be a requirement for any public office. All whites will need to do is pay taxes, and bow down to their black overlords.

Supposedly, the law government is required to treat us all the same regardless of race. At least that’s the claim put forward by those in power. But now all pretense of such equality is falling by the wayside.

Kentucky governor Andy Beshear has vowed to see to it that all black Kentuckians have heath insurance, and he’s made it clear that blacks will receive preferential treatment:

BESHEAR: Well, I believe that health care is a basic human right. And when I ran for governor, I made a pledge that we would sign every Kentuckian up for some form of health care coverage. But COVID-19 has laid bare what health care inequality results in, and that’s death. And so what I’ve tried to do is listen – listen to the demonstrations that are going on, listen to leaders in the black community. And what I’m hearing is a call for being a priority.

KELLY: What is the timing? You’ve pledged this. How quickly can you do it?

BESHEAR: We’re starting right away. It’s going to be a multifaceted campaign that is going to involve anchors in our black and African American communities to help us find individuals out there that are not covered. We’ve done something like this in the past when we expanded Medicaid and had the largest drop in our uninsured rate in the United States a couple administrations ago. So we have an overall game plan. But what’s different this time is our absolute priority on making sure we cover our black and African American Kentuckians first because of historic inequality, but also because in COVID-19, we’re seeing deaths at twice the rate. And that’s not right.

In distilled form, what this seems to mean is that uninsured white Kentuckians will take a back seat to uninsured black Kentuckians. I hope Beshear gets sued over this. “Historic inequality” should not be an excuse for creating a racial caste system.

What if the COVID-19 disparities have nothing to do with “historic inequality?” Have there been studies showing that all ethnic groups, in Kentucky, have been obeying the social distancing guidelines equally? Absent such a study, there is no justification to make such assumptions.

Welcome to the New America. Welcome to the new racial caste system.



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2 Responses to Portland’s police chief steps down

  1. 370H55V says:

    Only in America could you have not one but TWO Dem governors named Andrew who are even bigger scumbags than the fathers they succeeded in their respective offices.

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