Chico’s FAS is a billion dollar corporation that specializes in women’s garb. It recently sent out a company-wide memo, which I have attached below:
Several employees were upset by this shameless kowtowing to Black Lives Matter, and they quit. Shortly thereafter, the company announced that there would be a mandatory diversity seminar.
Thanks to the principled opposition of some employees, who adamantly refused to attend such a seminar, Chico’s backed down and cancelled it. Later, they even issued an apology – and yet, they continued to grovel. They sent out an additional memo supporting Black Lives Matter and Gay Pride.
This post lacks sources. This is because my source is private, and must be protected.
“Speak up when you experience or witness intolerance, mistreatment or bias in action”.
The naive reader who speaks up against a Black Lives Matter group showing bias or mistreatment against a white person, will pay a high price for her naivity. She might suffer severe bodily harm for the pretense of color blindness
Lunacy is rampant and the lunatics are running the asylum