Many of the posts on this blog are examples of the Corporate Media lying by omission, hiding the race of the perpetrator when he is black, or of the victim when he is white.
Here, I would like to quote, who points out that such conduct is contrary to the Corporate Media’s own guidelines. To paraphrase:
August 11, 1946: The [New York] Times introduced an editorial change announcing they will no longer refer to the race of persons suspected of a crime unless race is relevant to the story.
As a matter of fact, The New York Times has consistently violated its own guidelines since then, by drawing attention to the race of the perpetrator ONLY when he is white. Here are some examples cited by
If we were to expand this list, to include more current examples, this post would be long indeed!
The German Press Council Stylebook is more explicit:
REPORTS ON CRIMES When reporting crimes, it is not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership unless this information can be justified as being relevant to the readers‘ understanding of the incident. In particular, it must be borne in mind that such references could stir up prejudices against minorities. [GUIDELINE 12.1. by the German Press Council ]. goes on to explain that…
German PresseKodex 12.1 was meant to protect Black US soldiers from “discrimination” and “prejudice” due to media reports about crime committed by Blacks 5 * 6 quotes the Associated Press Stylebook:
Race Identification by race or ethnicity is pertinent: […]
—For suspects sought by the police or missing person cases using police or other credible, detailed descriptions. Such descriptions apply for all races. The racial reference should be removed when the individual is apprehended or found. [Associated Press. The Associated Press Stylebook 2015 (p. 225). Basic Books. Kindle Edition.]
Readers of this blog are already aware of the extreme lengths the Associated Press takes to violate the above directive, following it only to the benefit of non-white suspects.
The Reuters Hand Book contains more elaborate guidelines:
- Mention race or ethnicity only when relevant to the understanding of a story. For example, if someone is facing deportation, it is appropriate to give his or her nationality. Similarly, the ethnic origin of a person who receives racial threats or is the target of a racist attack is essential context. Terms of mixed ethnicity take a hyphen: Italian-American.
- Take care when reporting crimes and court cases. The race of an accused person is not usually relevant.
- Clearly, race is an important factor in stories about racial controversy or immigration, or where an issue cuts across racial lines. For example, if European-born people join Tibetan exiles in demonstrations against China’s Tibet policy, this is a point worth mentioning.
- Race is pertinent in reporting a feat or appointment unusual for a person of a particular ethnic group, for example, someone born in China who becomes an international cricket umpire.
The Society of Professional Journalists has this to say:
Race: A person’s race should not be mentioned unless relevant. This also applies to references to ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion. Derogatory terms or slurs aimed at members of a racial or ethnic group may not be used unless having a direct bearing on the news, and then only with the approval of the senior editor in charge. Avoid stereotypes. Race and ethnicity may be relevant in some stories, including the following: Crime stories – A highly detailed description of a suspect sought by police can contain [skin color]. Be sure the description is properly attributed. Do not use descriptions that include only a few items or are vague, such as tall, dark clothes. [A detailed description might include a person’s complexion, facial features, distinguishing marks or tattoos, etc.]
The Nationals Association of Black Journalists has these guidelines:
Ethnicity, race: The mention of a person’s race should not be used unless relevant. This also applies to references to ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion. Derogatory terms or slurs aimed at members of a racial or ethnic group may not be used unless having a direct bearing on the news, and then only with the approval of the senior editor in charge. Avoid stereotypes. Race and ethnicity may be relevant in some stories, including the following:
- Crime stories – A highly detailed description of a suspect sought by police can contain race. Be sure the description is properly attributed. Do not use descriptions that include only a few items or are vague, such as tall, dark clothes.
- forced busing: Avoid because of possible negative connotations. Busing is sufficient. informs us that Canada is very much on board with this double standard. He quotes The Globe’s Stylebook:
We must be especially scrupulous about avoiding irrelevant references in stories about criminal charges or other matters in which identifying a person’s race or national origin may unfairly associate an entire group with criminal or antisocial activity.
None of the above organizations has followed its own stated guidelines. Instead, they have followed a different, unwritten, guideline:
Present the story in such a way that non-whites, especially blacks, are portrayed as positively as possible. Do the opposite for whites.
In the future, as you read this blog, and come across examples of media dishonesty, consider revisiting this post, and ask yourself if the “news outlet” in question is being faithful to its own stated guidelines.
You manage to say the same I say, but framed in a way you say the opposite. That is a creative approach. You say, and keep saying, that the US media don’t obey their own color blind rules.
You probably also bemoan that Universities do not honor Martin Luther King’s dream of color blindness in their admission criteria.
I interpret the same data saying the opposite. I say that it is obvious that the media obey the more honest German media code with unabashed pro-minority bias. So does the police speaker. They do not even think of covering up the race of white perpetrators, even when they are clear hoaxes like Jessie Smolette’s (sp?) white supremacist attack amidst a black ghetto.
Nobody ever meant to protect whites against prejudice by not mentioning the race of the RARE white perpetrator. That was just a cover up.
Or maybe it was a temporary mistake, maybe 50 years ago people really believed in this race blind censorship. Just as “color blindness” was a short term idea. It turned out that color blindness did not work, because Blacks really underperform intelectually and in criminality.
So that color blindness was replaced by anti-white racist quotas and anti-white racism in general.
Color blindness has long been given up, not even lip service is paid to it. Black Lives Matter. All Lives Matter is “racist”. Reporting about black mayhem is racist. That is the fact of today’s world.
MLK Racist? Color Blindness, the new Racism.
Anti-Racists judge people “not by the content of their character”, but rather “by the color of their skin”. Jobs, University admission and even school discipline [1, 2] depend on the color of the skin.
Good luck for your trying to convince Universities, police, fire departments, and postal service to admit without racial bias, race blind.
You were bused into a black school. Did you find anyone that would treat black disfunction exactly the same way as white student misbehavior? Any teacher that would practice race blindness in discipline?
That pro-minority bias is also clear by our analysis that shows that these media codes exist world wide,
and their main difference is if their gag order protects “minorities” only or if they feign color blindness by not reporting race of any perp irrespective of race.
It is also clear that all newer versions, be it “hate speech” laws or be it social media “community standards” have given up any appearance of race blindness and are clearly biased in favor of “protected characteristics” of “minorities”
Of course, civil rights laws also are in no way color blind, are they?
Black caucus vs. White caucus,
Ebony magazine vs. White pride magazine
Women only gym vs. men only gym
White lives matter? WLM?
Who dares to even think that?
But thanks for reporting and putting a different twist on it.
I make a distinction between “stated guidelines” and intended guidelines. Based on their own STATED guidelines, American media is indeed in violation.
Sure, you are totally right. We see the same thing, but focus on different aspects. It is important to focus on our equal understanding and not on the minor divergence in interpretation. The strength of the Left is that their unity, they stick together in spite of divergences.
You are right, the color blind US media codes are not correctly enforced, rather selectively enforced. The biased European media gag orders and civil rights laws are enforced in Europe, the US, everywhere. I made this point here
Equally dishonest is the US constitution, the German constitution, about treating all citizens equally. Minorities are being treated more equal, with affirmative action quotas even for government work biddings. Malaysia has anti-chinese quotas. Europe has women quotas to protect the 52% “minority” of women.
The fact is that many written and unwritten codes, court decisions, laws, regulations nowadays clearly favor historically disadvantaged “minorities” and long ago completely abandoned the fake idea of race neutrality. Political correctness and anti-racism are not color blind but clearly anti-white.
We summarize the actually enforced #PCGagOrder as “Never say anything negative about a minority to avoid stirring up prejudice” (prejudice which is usually accurate and correct)
This Politically correct gag order is the foundation the totally wrong world view by courts, politicians, teachers, social scientists, voters, BLM, cuckservatives, by all. The PC Gag order is the cause of of repression of race realism as “racist”, the cause for leftward drift in all political parties, in social media. It is the cause for banning Colin Flaherty from social media and Jared Taylor from the European Schengen zone countries.
Considering that most crime is committed by Blacks, the original color blind rules might suffice to cover up black crime. But speaking badly of whites is even more efficient at fulfilling the purpose of avoiding “prejudice” against minorities. BLM riots are the result. Hidden 13 seconds of Rodney King beating video and covered-up antecedent videos of George Floyd neck kneeling are just symptoms, that cause world wide riots.
Here a very rare color blind addition to the BLM message, adding the missing WLM version of White Lives Matter
Would the New York Times, Airbnb, anyone, tolerate such statements as this factual video? Would Airbnb cancel rental contracts for BLM activists as they did with Amren conference speakers.
Can anybody say the truth: “There is no reason for Blacks to peacefully protest. Rather Blacks can express their thankfulness for their black privilege, for affirmative study, hiring, government work assignments, for receiving government money from white tax payers”. There is reason for whites to protest against black crime and agression. Would the New York Mayor paint “White Lives Matter” in 15 foot high letters on NY streets in front of Trump Tower?
The pretense of equal rights has long been abandoned in favor of “minority” privilege.
But don’t let some minor issues of interpretation get into the way of our shared correct vision of #RacistFacts and #TrueSpeech