Say their names

Out of all the thousands of interactions, between black Americans and the police, only a handful end with the black person being killed – and yet, we’re constantly told that those people are martyrs in a larger struggle, that their deaths are representative of a wider pattern.

We’re told to “say their names.”

Let us remember Linda Stoltzfus, who was raped, and (probably) murdered by Diversity. A young Mennonite girl, deprived of her life at the tender age of 18 so that promoters of forced integration can feel good about themselves.

Linda Stoltzfus

Here’s the suspect:

Justo Smoker

And let us remember 20 year-old Keeley Bunker, who was too young and brainwashed to understand the risks of attending rap concerts with Diversity:

Keeley Bunker

Rarely does a day go by without such tragedies taking place. If the occasional death of a black criminal, at the hands of police, constitutes a “pattern of abuse,” then the countless deaths of white women, at the hands of Diversity, would certainly qualify as such.

Say their names.

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