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Monthly Archives: August 2020
The Kenosha Kid Ballad
A friend sent me this, and I just had to share it with y’all: Let’s see how long it takes YouTube to take it down. Edit: They’ve taken it down, so I replaced the YouTube link with a Bitchute … Continue reading
Protesting fake news
Today, I joined a protest against fake news. We gathered in front of KGW8, a local television channel. Though the building was mostly empty, a small group of counterprotestors assembled across the street. Two or three of them were hysterical, … Continue reading
The Dirty Secret: Thoughts on Being a Mischling
I’m always delighted to discover other pro-white Jews, even if they’re only partially Jewish, “Mischlings” if you will. The Occidental Observer recently featured an article by one such person, a woman named E. Furlong. I’ll include some excerpts: Although I’ve … Continue reading
Portland councilwoman: All conservatives are “white-nationalists”
Regarding yesterday’s festivities, we read in The Post Millennial: City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty tweeted last night that her office was aware of the planned alt-right presence today. In a thread, she denounced their organizing and recruiting in Portland while … Continue reading
Large rally in Portland today
I’d gotten a heads-up, from one of my CopsNW friends, that we were going to have “the mother of all rallies” today in downtown Portland. I was expecting maybe 50 or 100 “patriots,” but it turned out that it was … Continue reading
3 transgendered people attacked in L.A.
The Ministry of Truth (CNN) has reported that three transgendered people were assaulted and robbed in Los Angeles: The women were robbed and assaulted in Hollywood Monday, police said. During the incident, one man approached one victim with a metal … Continue reading
Let’s make this a bad year for Goodyear
Goodyear Tire Company just announced that it would allow employees to wear Black Lives Matter logos, but not White Lives Matter logos. According to WIBW: TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – A Goodyear employee says the company has put out a new … Continue reading
The latest from Portland
A couple of days ago, I participated in another Back the Blue rally downtown. Greeting us were two or three psychotic people across the street. They cursed at us, threatened us and carried on with bizarre shenanigans. One man kept … Continue reading
Posted in activism, politics
Tagged Back the Blue Portland, BLM Portland, COPSNW, Portland homeless
Apple to provide AppleCare for looted products
A couple of months ago, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that… The unfinished work of racial justice and equality call us all to account. Things must change, and Apple’s committed to being a force for that change. Today, I’m proud … Continue reading
Mexican beats American for flying Trump flag
This is from The Blaze: Greg Bloch and his family were at the Oasis Campground in central Wisconsin on the first weekend of August. Bloch told WSAW-TV that a group, who appeared to be intoxicated, walked though his family’s campsite around dusk … Continue reading