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Monthly Archives: January 2021
Money Talks
If you’re like most Americans, you’ve come across dollar bills with the “Where’s George” stamp: It’s a fun project to participate in. Here’s the website. You may be wondering, is it legal to write on US currency? As a matter … Continue reading
Posted in activism
Tagged it's okay to be white, money activism, where's George?, writing on dollar bill
An Unwelcome Revival of Race Science
Somebody on Quora linked to a Guardian article from 2018 called “An Unwelcome Revival of Race Science” by Gavin Evans. Here is my rebuttal: I took the time to read your linked article. It does nothing to actually address the … Continue reading
Posted in Race science
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Project Veritas Sues the New York Times
This video is priceless, and I had to share it.
Libraries Eliminate Late Fees
I just got this notification from Washington County Public Libraries: Washington County libraries have (hooray, hooray) eliminated overdue fines. We will no longer charge for overdue materials, and if you had overdue fines, they have been removed from your account. We … Continue reading
Who Should be in Charge of Immigration
We haven’t had a legitimate Federal government for a long time. Any traces of legitimacy have recently been erased. Please participate in this poll:
Posted in immigration/ Hispanics, Poll
Tagged immigration enforcement, who should control immigration?
Biden’s War on White-Supremacy
There’s nothing new in this post; I’m simply sharing an answer I wrote on Quora that I’m proud of. In fact, I’ll include the entire thread: What is President Joe Biden’s war on white supremacy really all about?Me: There is … Continue reading
KATU Portland/ABC Tortures English to Promote its Narrative
Harris/Biden is in the White House, and the Left controls both houses of Congress. Things are looking up for tyranny these days… and yet the Far Left is still not happy. Antifa continues to riot in Portland. Here’s how KATU … Continue reading
Bernie Sanders Mural Defaced, Investigated as Hate-Crime
Please forgive me for the lack of any deep insights this time; I’m simply kvetching about yet another perversion of justice. From TWOP News: A mural of Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was defaced near Navy Yard in Southeast D.C., … Continue reading
Are Accusations of Historic Racism Ever Justified?
We’ve all seen them, articles from the Corporate Media, or rags such as The Huffington Post, or Slate, condemning the actors and actresses of yore for being insensitive to non-whites. We’ve seen how they hold historic figures to today’s politically … Continue reading
In Defense of Graffiti
SovietMen, quoting Luisman’s blog, wrote: The Internet giants are only the vanguard. In the meantime, the banks are already beginning to strike powerfully (Deutsche Bank wants to cancel all business relations with Trump). Those who don’t follow suit will only … Continue reading