Is Tucker Carlson a “cuck” and a “race-traiter?”

My friend Diversity Chronicle sent me a Tucker Carlson video, where Carlson dismissed the importance of race. He writes:

Tucker Carlson has revealed himself to be an enemy of whites. He is a race denier who is urging that people not talk about race, and saying that race doesn’t matter etc. even as whites are singled out by their race and attacked for it. He does this, even after he watched BLM, a black Marxist group, burn the country down last year. I can’t take Tucker seriously now. Here is an example: Tucker engages in misdirection by saying the issue isn’t race, preventing many whites from seeing it. This causes actual harm. Race won’t go away, nor should we wish that it would. Assimilation and intermarriage are dysgenic; it results in white annihilation.

Tucker doesn’t want whites to see themselves as whites, if they continue to see themselves as “conservatives”  and identify with an abstract idea, rather than as a people united by blood, even as their enemies insist race does matter. They will lose, and why? Because they aren’t playing the same game. We have witnessed the plight of our race get much worse in a short time. At the rapid rate of increasing anti-whiteness, we lose with a “lesser of two evils” approach. It rewards failure and betrayal, which guarantees more of the same. It also fails to keep pace with the rising violent opposition we face. In an era where we have a viable alternative media, we don’t need Tucker Carlson. Fox keeps him on to keep the populist viewers from leaving the plantation.

In a perfect world, my friend would be right. Tucker is wrong, and we should always strive for the truth: That race DOES matter.

But there’s another kind of truth: The truth of societal dynamics and human nature. It’s not my intention to make excuses for Carlson, but to point out some realities.

  1. If Carlson were to speak the truth about race, he would no longer have a platform; Fox would drop him like a hot potato, and he’d end up on the Dark Web preaching to the choir. Most of his influence would be gone.
  2. Most of us don’t arrive at our recognition of racial realities in one day. Instead, we gradually move in that direction – through various life-experiences, articles, videos and self-reflection. This process takes time, sometimes decades.
  3. Flawed as Carlson’s racial views might be, they’re a lot closer to the truth than most of his rivals.

Bearing these facts in mind, we can view the journey to truth as a conveyor belt. Taking an example that’s familiar to most of us, let’s say you’re at the grocery store checkout line. The time has come to place your groceries on the conveyor belt – but you stop cold.

Why should I place my groceries on the belt right here? It’s several feet away from the cashier. This makes no sense! Either I place my groceries on the belt right next to the cashier or not at all!

We can view people like Tucker Carlson, Anne Coulter, Lauren Southern, Thomas Sowell, Pat Buchanan and many more as figures who occupy the conveyor belt farthest away from the cashier. They’re not us, but they provide inspiration, and guidance, to many people who need to break away from the shackles of Cultural Marxism. Once free from the mental slavery of Cultural Marxism, some will continue to break down other hurdles on their path to intellectual freedom. It’s all part of the process of growing up – and we shouldn’t expect people to do it all at once, neither should we condemn those who provide intermediate steps.

This is not to say we shouldn’t debate them. We certainly should, but let’s not condemn them, fling nasty epithets at them, or undermine their authority. They do useful work, and we should promote them for that. At the same time, we should point out the flaws in their world-view.

I suspect some of them are fully aware of the falsehoods they spew, but life is full of compromises. We must do what’s practical. Check comments below for Diversity Chronicle’s responses.

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9 Responses to Is Tucker Carlson a “cuck” and a “race-traiter?”

  1. countenance says:

    The “Gateway Drug vs Gatekeeper” debate, part 897,241,306,119

    The only serial topic in our sector talked about (into the ground) more is, you guessed it, “Are Jews White?”

    Personally, insofar as GD vs GK, I don’t think there’s a right answer per se, I think both sides are half right and half wrong.

    • jewamongyou says:

      Yeah, this topic has been beaten to death. All I’m asking for is that people refrain from ad hominem attacks on them. We should definitely attack their ideas.

    • Hi Countenance,

      Good to see you again.

      “The “Gateway Drug vs Gatekeeper” debate, part 897,241,306,119”

      This issue comes up a lot, it’s true. I think my take on it is unique though, as I will explain below.

      “The only serial topic in our sector talked about (into the ground) more is, you guessed it, “Are Jews White?”

      Or… “so and so (insert the name of any White Nationalist you disagree with) is a Jew…” I am annoyed when people do that. Everyone has either been accused of being a Jew, or married to a Jew, or controlled by Jews, if the above accusations do not stick. No one can simply disagree, or have different views. There are a bunch of online cranks, who are going nowhere, who play silly games like that sadly. I don’t think that they are paid by our enemies, but they should be, since they are doing work useful to them.

      “Personally, insofar as GD vs GK, I don’t think there’s a right answer per se, I think both sides are half right and half wrong.”

      I think the concept of Gate Keepers in itself is false, and derives from paranoia. I don’t believe Alex Jones knows more than he pretends to, and is a “Gate Keeper.” I sincerely believe he is scared to death to know more than what he does know. The truth about race isn’t something he is open to even considering. I don’t believe that he knows it and consciously is working for our enemies, or is simply “lying.” I think Tucker has no excuse not to know more about race, but he is also terrified perhaps to even admit it to himself that race realism is true, or has any merit. This intellectual cowardice though, and self dishonesty, is something that carries moral guilt or culpability with it though, in my view at least. It is a “sin,” I would say.

      I don’t find cuckservatives useful, but I also don’t think they are all liars who work for the NWO, or who consciously have sold out. I think most are cowardly, stupid, and dishonest with themselves. Like the larger society in which they live, they are afraid to admit or see the truth about race. They have also been conditioned, to varying degrees, to believe that all moral legitimacy flows from the liberal establishment. Nothing scares them more than race-realism. Perhaps some have an inkling as to some of it, and they feel great hatred for themselves as a result.

      Tucker I believe is useful for the establishment, but I don’t think he consciously realizes that. I think he believes he’s doing good and noble things. I am out of patience though with cuckservatives who refuse to admit the truth about race, even after BLM thugs burned down the country for the past year. Sorry, but how much time and patience should they get, should it be unlimited? Again, we don’t need them I believe, as we have much better sources that are overtly ethno-nationalist. These people and their tv shows are just a distraction at this point, that slows down the public or prevents them from making progress in seeing the truth about race, or admitting it.

  2. Hi JAY,

    Thanks for posting my quotes. I am happy to continue the discussion here in comments. I want to say from the start, that I do not take your disagreement personally. Intelligent and well meaning people can disagree as to strategy. Here is my reply.

    “In a perfect world, my friend would be right. Tucker is wrong, and we should always strive for the truth: That race DOES matter.”

    I appreciate that, I think it is also true in our imperfect world, and will explain my views further below.

    “But there’s another kind of truth: The truth of societal dynamics and human nature. It’s not my intention to make excuses for Carlson, but to point out some realities.

    1. If Carlson were to speak the truth about race, he would no longer have a platform; Fox would drop him like a hot potato, and he’d end up on the Dark Web preaching to the choir. Most of his influence would be gone.”

    This is no doubt true. I agree here. If Tucker told the truth about race, he would be fired immediately. You are absolutely right about that! His career on Fox would be over. But that isn’t the whole story. That would just be the beginning of the story. Having been fired by Fox for now espousing race realism, the new Tucker could explain he’s going to speak at the Amren Conference (visit, he could explain why he now believes in race realism, and probably bring at least many thousands of people with him on this great and life changing (and life saving) journey! Tucker’s conversion to race-realism, and being fired from Fox would be a great development! I would even say espousing racialist views on his show, and then getting fired, would be the best thing he could possibly do! Right now he’s just preaching populist/civic nationalist points to the choir. Upon being fired, and converting to a race-realist, he could tell people one of the most important truths, one they do not yet know! It would potentially reach a huge number of people, who might be receptive!

    Not accepting race-realism or white ethno nationalism, Tucker continues at Fox. He has a show, but he never tells people what we need to ultimately know, and to do, in order to survive as white people. He comments on news items, he never tells anyone anything earth shattering, or anything vitally important. There is a reason they let him stay there, because he serves as a release valve. People get mad about the corona lock down, about liberal politicians, transgenderism, and about what is happening with the US government. Instead of doing something constructive, he serves as a useful distraction or diversion. They can hear him get a bit angry about it, then feel a release, and go back to daily life, never having changed anything. That is why he hasn’t been fired. He is a useful person for the establishment. If he were to cross over into the truth (race-realism) that very second, he would cease to be useful, which is why they would terminate him. He would then be an enemy of the establishment.

    2. “Most of us don’t arrive at our recognition of racial realities in one day. Instead, we gradually move in that direction – through various life-experiences, articles, videos and self-reflection. This process takes time, sometimes decades.”

    This is true. Many people become conservatives, then become paleo conservatives, or admire the “Old Right,” then some small handful become very moderate white ethno nationalists. Of those, some later become “extreme,” ones. These people waste decades of their life, in cuckservative politics, spinning their wheels, and going no where. Without people like Tucker, they could simply go online for dissident views, and find ones that actually radically depart from the left. By listening to Tucker, they find a comfortable companion, who never challenges them or their views too much. If you take away Tucker, and the Cuckservative establishment, besides the left, racialists would be the only game in town. The natural place for dissidents to go. The demise of cuckservatism inc, would be immensely positive.

    Conservatives and liberals have more in common than not. Conservatives would love to live in a multi racial utopia, where race doesn’t matter. (Of course such a world cannot exist.) Liberals would sometimes profess to want the same thing. In effect, their worldviews do not diverge, it is only a matter of degree. If you asked them what they believe, they would both say something like they believe in democracy, human rights, equality, etc. Liberals and conservatives aren’t really in opposition to each other in a fundamental way, only in terms of degree! It is a dog and pony show that distracts people from the real war now taking place. For more on this, I recommend this article by the late Dr. William Pierce below. I do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of his views, or those on the links below, but I think he did some great writing, and at times had some important and profound points. This cannot be denied. This particular article I endorse entirely. It is a work of genius. Conservatives can’t win, and if they stay on that plantation, they will lose. That is a fact for the reasons outlined here, I am posting multiple links: Audio

    3. “Flawed as Carlson’s racial views might be, they’re a lot closer to the truth than most of his rivals.”

    That may be, but they still aren’t close enough to make a crucial difference in terms of whether or not whites survive as a people. At this point, after witnessing America being burned down for the past year by Marxist BLM thugs, and their Antifa allies, for cuckservatives to continue to deny the truth about race is inexcusable. It can only be explained by either extreme stupidity, or cowardice and dishonesty. Is there any other possibility?

    For the last year BLM thugs have burned America. The Republican response has been worse than doing nothing, instead Trump promised free money to blacks under a new Platinum Plan, had he taken office. Not only do conservatives never stand up to black rioting and thuggery, but they actually reward it, and apologize and grovel, which only further emboldens them. Conservatives are disgusting. They rightly disgust the black rioters they are trying to appease, and the leftists they try to appease. They disgust me as well. It is a natural response to be disgusted by someone who grovels after being abused. That person isn’t manly, that person is weak, and his weakness invites further attacks. Conservatives never learn this. They are what Ann Landers would call, “non-learners.” Their stupidity should also disgust us. “Minorities” hate whites more than ever, but the cuckservative establishment, as typified by the Republican party, is deluding itself into believing they will win them over. They are both stupid and cowardly. They don’t deserve to win.

    “Bearing these facts in mind, we can view the journey to truth as a conveyor belt. Taking an example that’s familiar to most of us, let’s say you’re at the grocery store checkout line. The time has come to place your groceries on the conveyor belt – but you stop cold.
    Why should I place my groceries on the belt right here? It’s several feet away from the cashier. This makes no sense! Either I place my groceries on the belt right next to the cashier or not at all!”

    The assumption here seems to be that eventually cuckservatives will lead one to the truth about race, but that doesn’t happen MOST of the time. Most of the time cuckservatives never get it.

    I will concede that I like Tucker’s views better than those of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, or Don Lemon on CNN, or any number of other TV “news” and opinion talking heads who espouse a libtarded establishment line on everything. I think the difference is, I don’t see Tucker as the only conveyor belt. I see another one located next to him, the “ethno nationalist conveyor belt.” Instead of the long route, to the truth (that ultimately never arrives there,) I prefer people put their groceries on the “ethno nationalist” one, which does have some solid speakers and writers on it, and can be counted on to carry the groceries forward, to continue with your analogy. We don’t need Tucker, because he’s just a long detour form the truth, that never ultimately takes you there. We have a better viable alternative right next to him, we should use it instead. Those who were on his conveyor belt, ultimately jumped to mine, to complete the journey at some point, if they arrived at the truth on race. That is a fact. Tucker never gave it to them, that conveyor belt never takes the groceries the full way. Their getting there, required them to jump ship, and to cross over onto my side.

    “We can view people like Tucker Carlson, Anne Coulter, Lauren Southern, Thomas Sowell, Pat Buchanan and many more as figures who occupy the conveyor belt farthest away from the cashier. They’re not us, but they provide inspiration, and guidance, to many people who need to break away from the shackles of Cultural Marxism. Once free from the mental slavery of Cultural Marxism, some will continue to break down other hurdles on their path to intellectual freedom. It’s all part of the process of growing up – and we shouldn’t expect people to do it all at once, neither should we condemn those who provide intermediate steps.”

    For the purpose of this discussion, I’d like to stay focused on Tucker. However, Red Ice did a good video exposing Lauren Southern. Southern tries to confuse the issue of immigration, and defends migrant invaders at times. I won’t get into that but here are some links for those interested. Red Ice said it very well already, so I don’t need to, I’ll just refer those interested to their video on it.

    The fact is Tucker just talks news items to death, he doesn’t deliver any great profound truths. People who want to keep up with current events can get that information from race-realist sources, why then should we thank Tucker, for keeping some of them from seeking out better sources online? This isn’t 1990, we have the internet now, and a great alternative media. TV news is obsolete. We have much better, and much more accurate sources. Frankly, there is now so much racialist content, I cannot keep up with all of it. Some is poor quality, but some is of a very high quality, and very impressive. It has deeper insights, and truths than you will ever get from the TV news.

    “This is not to say we shouldn’t debate them. We certainly should, but let’s not condemn them, fling nasty epithets at them, or undermine their authority. They do useful work, and we should promote them for that. At the same time, we should point out the flaws in their world-view.”

    Tucker is saying “lets ignore race.” He isn’t silent on it, he’s leading people in the wrong direction, he’s actively misinforming people about race, and doing harm. If he was silent on the issue, that would be bad, but it is worse than that, he is actively pushing misinformation about race. He deserves to be called out for that. After the last year, with all the riots, there is no excuse for him to not know better. Don’t you think?

    Again, we both agree that he would be fired if he told the truth about race, but consider how much good that would do! In fact, he could move to his own online platform, and continue from there. His career at Fox would be over, but his career wouldn’t even be over, it could simply change venues. People on TV would denounce him as being a racist who lost his mind. This might make seeking him out more enticing to people who distrust the establishment. It would be a great development.

    “I suspect some of them are fully aware of the falsehoods they spew, but life is full of compromises. We must do what’s practical. Check comments below for Diversity Chronicle’s responses.”

    Again… if he simply came around to race-realism now, I believe he could do much good. Fox lets him say, because they find him useful. People watch him get angry about things, then feel that simply listening, or hear him say it constituted some kind of action. In fact, it did not, and the most important truths are continuing to go unsaid. We simply have better sources, and Tucker is keeping people from moving on to them, when they continue to go back and watch him.

    You mentioned sometimes it takes people decades to get to race realism. As the establishment steps up censorship, and violent attacks, do we have decades to spare? I don’t think so. Somehow, we have to propagate racialist ideas at a much greater speed! Thanks to the internet, this can be done in fact. It has been done with some people, who are living testaments to this.

    Thanks for giving me a place to express my views on this.

  3. Tom says:

    Carlson’s roles are to buy the Right time (which will run out),
    buffer the psychological spin-out of half of the Nation (toward buying the Left time), and offer a semblance of documentation in regard to the Right’s views for some future moment that we may not be around to experience.

    Anyone who expects Carlson to be a race warrior has a lot of catching up to reality to do.

    That is, you (readers) are only barely tolerated within a non-democratic system that sees you as a major problem. There is no arguing or voting your way out of it. This was obvious when the media went full revolutionary, but double so when the Deep State started to openly interfere in matters of the election and the Presidency. The message, which you were supposed to successfully receive, is that there is no way out of this aside from an act of God.

    Carlson can no more represent you than the prison pastor or Rabbi can. That would be: if he wanted to. Which is in doubt. Consider him more on par with a paid psychologist who likely at least somewhat resents his 70 million patients. Assuming he cares to have a political effect at all, it would be more on par with managing your psychology toward neutralizing you than political advocacy.

    Voting on the right is useless because your politicians amount to managers and psychologists to ease you into losing, and when they fail to do their job to get one of them elected or allow the left to win then the Deep State will bring the weight of the World down on your candidate. One day, they might even persecute you for your voter registration or vote. That doesn’t seem too far away at this juncture.

    Supporting the left is a cultic trap.

    The only reasonable course of action is to become more religious.

  4. Pingback: 1901 COLORIZED Film Inspiration For Monroe’s Windy White Dress Scene | The Mad Jewess

  5. Tom says:

    Before one can begin to worry about the conditions of effective ethnic advocacy, there are two primary obstacles to hypothetical self determination in the West.

    Before addressing these obstacles, nothing else is of use.

    The two obstacles to hypothetical true democracy are:

    1. Media control of acceptable speech boundaries and political definitions, absent an avenue for the populace to effectively respond.

    This situation is de facto anti-democracy, couched in the language of democracy (“free press”).

    The populace needs a platform by which they can loudly and reliably counter the press’s narratives.

    Given that the notion of a “free press” is an antidemocratic lie meant to protect the power establishment’s propaganda operation, and whether or not there is a better solution, true democracy cannot exist without a means for the populace to counter the press’s narratives and un-elected power.

    2. If obstacle #1 is defeated with an election (electing someone outside of the ‘acceptable’ circle-jerk of entitled leaders and in spite of press protest), then obstacle #2 kicks in.

    Obstacle #2 is where the press and establishment couch the existence of an elected anti establishment leader as anti-democracy, autocratic, and increasingly begin to ostracize his followers as threats to democracy and the Nation.

    If every time you “win” the establishment and press can do this unopposed, then you will find yourself imprisoned or worse every time that you do.

    They will do this on no obvious credible evidence. Adjectival abuse and aggressive political persecution will be the primary tools, backed with increasingly loud / angry assertions.

    The press will quote the Deep State and the Deep State will follow the press’s lead to assert and justify the antidemocratic narrative.

    Obvious double standards in politics and law enforcement will be utilized to agitate the population into acting unlawfully.

    When it does, the population’s actions will be exaggerated and lied about by the Press. The establishment’s terrorists will go un-prosecuted as a display of undemocratic power.

    This is how antidemocratic power maintains itself in a pseudo-democracy.

    This is how democratically elected leaders and their supporters are framed.

    This is how false history is written.

    When I began, I stated that self determination and true democracy are hypothetical. They are, but I don’t think that they are potential.

    I don’t believe that democracies are real.

    I think that they are false constructs designed to bring a specific result for a specific tier of people, and that they are designed to look openly corrupt at a certain point so that they “organically fail”.

    Its been obvious to me for some time that the open corruptions that we’ve been seeing for decades now are purposefully meant to demonstrate corruption.

    This is now ramping up with the clear media and deep state interference in democracy, the clear double standard in “rioter” prosecution, and even federal politicians inciting violence directed at the population only to clutch their pearls when protestors get to near to them (their power being validated only by the free and peaceful existence of the population that they incited terrorists to attack).

    this is all designed to look like open corruption.

    In summary, the obstacles are real but the solutions in opposition to them aren’t. Because this system is not designed to be operate in a valid manner (is not real), in my observation.

    • jewamongyou says:

      Yes, that’s pretty accurate.

    • My position is that the US isn’t a democracy, but a plutocracy. True “democracy,” has never existed anywhere, and can never exist. Why? Because it is contrary to human nature. Globalist anti-white elites control both US parties. The media is anti-white as well, and controlled. That being said, we must not give up. I have had some measure of success red pilling people one-on-one. Start with close friends and family members. Slowly and gradually introduce them to the facts about race, race and crime, race and IQ differences, and go from there. One can also create websites spreading the truth. If one doesn’t want to write, they can simply link to videos, and sites that already have great content.

      Yes “democracy” is a fraud. Yes the media is against us. Yes, the “solutions” of many people online are non-starters. “Vote for Trump,” or “vote for a third party,” or “start a new party.” The system is rigged so that it cannot be reformed from within. The best solution is to disengage from the system, at least in the US. In some European countries ethno nationalist parties do win elections. In the US, they don’t, and never will. The two big parties control the system, and they make the rules for who can get into a debate, who can get on the ballot, how the votes are counted, etc.

      Do we just give up? No. We can’t expect even the possibility of change, unless we get millions of quality people are brought on board. We can spread memes that illustrate the truth about race and crime, race and IQ, discrediting the anti-white media etc. We can share short videos by Jared Taylor on bitchute conveying the basic facts, and articles online. We can donate to worthy causes and organizations, if we have the means. We can and we must do everything possible. We must never accept defeat. Defeat would mean the end of our race, and the end of civilization on earth.

      The good news is truth, science, and history are all on our side. We have all those advantages, and our enemies do not! The establishment would tell us race differences are not real (sometimes, other times they tell us whites are inferior) , sometimes they would even tell us sex differences are not real, or that one can choose one’s gender. They celebrate harmful sexual practices. They seek to replace us in our own homelands. We must fight back. Share the truth with family and friends. Engage in online activism, or put up fliers (carefully and discreetly of course.) The establishment is pushing things that are openly absurd to normal rational adults. You can choose your gender? Race isn’t real, and is a social construct. Except, whites should constantly be demonized, and all white countries (and only white countries!) should have open borders? Diversity is our greatest strength, but lets hate on white people non stop, and celebrate their extinction? While sometimes calling the same celebrated planned extinction a “conspiracy theory.” The establishment literally can’t even keep its own lies straight. None of this is consistent or adds up. We can and we must fight back. I will never accept defeat.

      Post online, share memes, share good videos with friends and family. Put up flies, donate to good organizations. I suggest keeping things fun and light-hearted. Instead of being angry about things all the time (I’m not saying anyone here specifically does that), make fun of the system, point out how stupid it is, and its positions are. The system hates mockery, and can’t stand humor. Memorize key talking points exposing the fraud of establishment views on race. Get the truth out there by any means necessary. Promote traditional gender roles for men and women, including encouraging mothers to stay at home with the children. Home school your children, and have as many white children as you can. If you aren’t married join, and try to find a spouse. If you can’t have children for a good reason, support people who do in ways that you can. Go on welfare if you can possibly qualify, and make the anti-white system pay for your children! It is our money that they took from us. If we don’t take back whatever we can, its all going to go to hostiles who hate us. Do absolutely everything you can, because the future of humanity is riding on us. Will the earth have a civilization, or sink back into the dark ages?

      When you see someone posting black pilled, there is no hope, nothing can be done, post a white pilled message correcting them. Remind them that truth, science, and all of human history are on our side! Remind them how stupid the latest lies are about gender and race. The many open major inconsistencies of the elites. Above all, take action, do everything possible for the cause. You won’t regret it. You will be able to say that you acted rightly, and did your duty. There is nothing more important than that. Even if you convince one white person as to the truth about race, they can convince others, and have white children and bring them up with racial nationalist views. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, as the Chinese proverb goes.

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