Retired Cop Murdered in Knockout Game Attack

From the New York Post:

Thomas Driscoll, a 22-year veteran of the Connecticut State Police, died early Sunday from head and neck injuries after being attacked by a stranger who police say followed the ex-cop and a woman on a pedestrian bridge on the Las Vegas Strip, police said.

An arrest report obtained by the Las Vegas Review-Journal indicates Driscoll, 57, was on a walkway near Bally’s with a woman when they passed a group of men.

One man in the group, identified by cops as Brandon Leath, 33, made a remark about Driscoll and the woman walking through them, prompting Leath to run up on the pair and then wait for the retired cop at the bottom of an escalator, police said.

“Leath set down his backpack and took a fighting stance,” the arrest report stated.

Leath allegedly punched Driscoll, sending the retired cop to the ground. Driscoll was later pronounced dead at a hospital and a coroner ruled his death a homicide.

The victim:

The perpetrator:

Not surprisingly, there is no mention of any hate-crime charges being considered.

Let this be a warning to white people: When you see a group of black males in your path, don’t walk through them; instead, cross the street and stay away from them.

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6 Responses to Retired Cop Murdered in Knockout Game Attack

  1. Pingback: HUNTING WHITES: Want Your Children In Schools? You Must “Racially Identify” | The Mad Jewess

  2. AsheDina TMJ says:

    Color me surprised. Another ‘minority’ knocking out a white man. Disgusting.

    ‘Let this be a warning to white people: When you see a group of black males in your path, don’t walk through them; instead, cross the street and stay away from them.’


  3. Kookooracharabioso says:

    B bu but the literary blacks write articles stating that when we cross the street to avoid getting mugged we are proving that we are racist! I say that I am sick and tired of their denial of the culture of their brethren. I can’t look at your ass and read your mind.

  4. Miller Mike says:

    “B bu but the literary blacks write articles stating that when we cross the street to avoid getting mugged we are proving that we are racist”!

    In their asserted form as a cohesive racial block, Blacks view themselves as righteous recipients of forced value transfer from other groups.

    In their form of that same racial block, Blacks lump Whites together when its time for the blame game for the results of their actions and to agitate for political rent.

    That means I’m crossing the street, knowing their cohesive crime statistics (and having been mugged by “them”).

    And really, even they cross the street when “they” sense danger from other Blacks.

  5. Pingback: More Black Attacks on the Elderly - JewamongyouJewamongyou

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