The City of Beaverton’s Priority? Non-Whites

Every couple of months, the City of Beaverton, Oregon publishes its newsletter – and predictably, each issue is increasingly pious when it comes to the Cult of Diversity.

We start this issue with an article titled “Downtown Welcomes Changes on 5th Street.” The third paragraph reads:

The city thrives as an ethnically diverse, welcoming city, where all its residents are an essential part of the Beaverton community but many existing residents increasingly struggle to remain in Beaverton. The city’s affordable housing activities focus on helping households experiencing homelessness; increasing quality affordable rental housing; providing homeownership opportunities, and developing policies geared toward ensuring Black, Indigenous and Communities of Color have access to these opportunities.

One wonders what policies will be developed in order to ensure non-whites have access; clearly, these policies will be above and beyond the routine policies, which are geared toward residents in general. One also wonders how much these policies will cost taxpayers, and how much they will adversely affect white residents. I’ve sent an email requesting specifics, and I’ll provide an update if they reply.

In an article titled “Public Safety Center Plaza Naming Process Update,” (pg. 6) we’re told that…

The city is committed to supporting inclusion by recognizing the contributions of communities of color and our shared history in public spaces.

In other words, there are only three possibilities here: Martin Luther King Plaza, Rosa Parks Plaza or Cesar Chavez Plaza. Alright, there are a few other possibilities, but those are the most likely.

Also related to housing, we find (also on pg. 6) “Inclusion Put First With New Housing Cohort.” “Inclusiveness” seems to be a common thread:

Intentionally engaging historically underserved and underrepresented communities in city decision-making processes is an important step toward advancing racial equity. As part of the city’s efforts to incorporate a variety of ideas and perspectives into the city’s housing projects and programs, the city established a new group that is composed of culturally and racially diverse community members with an interest in housing.

In partnership with Unite Oregon, the city formed the Inclusive Housing Cohort. Unite Oregon is a community organization led by people of color, immigrants and refugees, rural communities and people experiencing poverty to build an intercultural movement for justice in Oregon.

It’s obvious, even to the casual observer, that the vast majority of homeless people in Beaverton are white. Wouldn’t it be nice if white people were included in “inclusiveness?”

Finally, on page 14 we find, “Equity Strategy to Ensure Downtown Is an Inclusive Place.” We read:

A new project, the Downtown Equity Strategy (DES), is needed to guide these investments and other city initiatives to ensure that downtown Beaverton is an inclusive place for racially diverse and low-income communities…

Not once have I heard of “racially diverse” people being excluded, in any way, from downtown Beaverton. All this talk about “inclusiveness for non-whites” gives the impression that they’ve been somehow excluded until now. Why don’t they give us some examples?

It’s sobering to think that publications such as this one can be found, in their thousands, all across America. I’m willing to wager that not ONE OF THEM shows any concern for their white residents.

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