According to Qur’an, Muslims are supposed to fast during Ramadan, but apparently, it’s okay to rape infidel women while fasting. From The Daily Mail:
A sex predator who struck five times in just 11 days as he tried to emulate serial rapist Joseph McCann is facing years in jail.
Abdallah Baballah, 25, stalked his victims as they left Tube stations or got off night buses and then told a jury they had all consented.
The Sudanese former Barking and Dagenham College student followed his first victim off a night bus in Newham at around 2.30am on a day in July, 2019.
Baballah said ‘Give me your phone or I’ll stab you’ before dragging the woman into a quiet street and raping her three times, jurors were told.
He stole cash from her wallet but returned her phone and identity cards.

(I’m not sure why the photo is distorted).
He’ll probably be a hero to other inmates during his brief stay in British jail. He’ll probably get a six-month sentence, followed by counseling and a small fine.
It is reported that women have few rights in Sudan, and that sexual assault is rarely prosecuted there. If so, then the women of Sudan should have our sympathy – but the fact that the British government allows predators like Baballa to enter the country shows how little it cares about the safety of British women.
In a sane world Baballa would serve several years of hard labor in a British prison, then be castrated and deported back to Sudan. Either that or a bullet to the head.
A search of “Swedish woman raped” (for example) brings up pages of horrific results, all at the hands of recent migrants. Switching out the term rape, for murder, brings up countless more.
However, this rape and murder tends to be particularly memorable for some reason. Perhaps because an image of her broken body, still in a rape position and covered in dirt, circulated on the net.
The rapist-murderer got 16 years. He’ll be out in five years or so. The State gave the family 60k euro.
That’s the value of a Swedish Woman, apparently, in terms of punishment and money.
I’m pretty sure that a person can do things to animals and get more time.
I wonder what the offender will do when he is freed on his home soil. Probably enjoy the fresh air, good tasting food, and women.
A white woman’s life is only valuable when it’s taken by a white man. When it’s taken by a POC, all of a sudden, it’s cheap. Disgusting.