The State of Oregon Continues to Violate Anti-Discrimination Law

On the State of Oregon’s official website, we read:

Oregon laws protect you from being discriminated against at work, in housing, and at places that do business with the public.

* It’s illegal to be fired or demoted, paid less, or otherwise treated differently based on your race, color, or national origin.

* You cannot be treated differently when looking for housing, applying for financing, or in other housing decisions.

* Your right to go to public places like restaurants, stores, and other public places free from discrimination is protected.

It’s clear as day that the law prohibits discrimination, in allocating financing, on the basis of race – and yet the State of Oregon rolled out a financial aid program last year that specifically applies to blacks, while excluding non-blacks. This was in clear violation of the law, but considering the political climate, it was far from clear that anyone would challenge it.

Fortunately, two companies did challenge it. From Oregon Live:

Organizers of the fund distributed $49.5 million to Black Oregonians, Black-owned businesses and Black-led nonprofits across 31 Oregon counties last fall, but they agreed to hand over their remaining funds to a federal court and stop allocating grant money in December after a John Day logging company and Portland coffee shop challenged the constitutionality of the state fund.

Obviously, due to BLM terrorism, few businesses are in a position to challenge such a law; they would be targeted for vandalism, assault and boycotts.

It’s worth noting that the owner of the coffee shop that sued is Mexican. Apparently, there were no white small-business owners who dared challenge this blatant discrimination against them. As for the logging company, it’s easy to see why they’re not as vulnerable as other businesses. Here’s an excerpt from another article:

“The pandemic’s harm to Great Northern should qualify it to compete in any government-aid program for businesses that have been affected by Covid-19. And yet the company is ineligible to receive a grant from the Fund because its owner is not Black,” the company wrote in its complaint, which was filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Portland.

Conservative legal strategist Edward Blum, who has led high-profile challenges to the federal Voting Rights Act and to racial considerations in college admissions, said his organization is funding Great Northern’s lawsuit. The suit does not name the logging company’s owners, but Blum said they are white.

“This express use of race in distributing government money is unprecedented and blatantly unconstitutional,” the complaint asserts. It names the Oregon Department of Administrative Services as a defendant. The department did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday.

I’m not an attorney, but it seems to me that when a law is challenged as “unconstitutional,” the courts are supposed to decide whether it’s constitutional or not, and then act accordingly. But this is not what appears to be happening here.

Even though two companies found the courage to actually challenge the law, little came of it. Instead of the law being struck down as unconstitutional, which it obviously is, the courts awarded settlements to the two complainants, and paid off a handful of other non-black businesses that had applied for the grants:

As part of the settlement, Oregon is also using its own risk fund to pay grants to up to 1,252 non-Black applicants that sought funding through the program before Dec. 8. The court is continuing to hold an additional $3.5 million deposited by fund organizers until the state pays out those grants.

The State of Oregon is wasting no time resuming payments to black-owned businesses:

Organizers of the state’s $62 million coronavirus relief fund for Black Oregonians will soon resume distributing grant money after agreeing to a settlement with a John Day logging company that challenged the constitutionality of the unique state fund…

The Oregon Cares Fund distributed $49.5 million to nearly 15,600 Black individuals, 466 Black-owned businesses and 103 Black-led nonprofits last year before agreeing to suspend operations and hand over their remaining money to a federal court in December amid the ongoing legal challenge.

Let’s consider the situation:

  • Ongoing BLM riots targeting white-owned businesses, to the point where some businesses put “POC-Owned Business” signs out front.
  • The state government ignoring its own constitution, and passing a race-specific benefit package that excludes non-blacks.
  • The victims of this package are too intimidated to challenge the law.
  • The courts allowing non-black businesses that applied to be paid off, rather than immediately striking down the law.
  • The Corporate Media portraying this discriminatory law as a positive human-interest story.

Remember this next time somebody claims that “whites do not face discrimination,” or that “there is no such thing as black privilege.”

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