Solving Crime with More Free Stuff

There has been a lot of gun violence in Portland lately, and even Establishment Leftists recognize that most of it is perpetrated by blacks. In a recent Oregon Live article, we’re told that more “gibz” (free stuff) would help alleviate this problem – because this strategy has never been tried before:

Black faith and community leaders draw crowd of 100 for ‘March Against Murder’ in N. Portland

The so-called “March Against Murder” drew speakers from across the city, all of them Black men and one woman who has lost two sons to gun violence.

Their message: That both government officials and the community need to step up to curb the epidemic of gun violence that’s swept through the city…

Other speakers said Black Portlanders need more institutional support.

Lakayana Drury, the executive director of a nonprofit that works with at-risk youth, challenged government entities to create well-paying jobs for Black Portlanders.

He called on Portland Public Schools to hire 100 Black teachers over the next 10 years. Drury said the Portland Police Bureau and Portland Fire & Rescue should each hire as many employees in the next decade as well.

He also demanded that private companies step in to help, starting with one of the region’s largest employers: Intel.

“I’m asking them, right now, to give every Black child a computer,” Drury said. “If you don’t want a Black child to have a gun at 15, give him a computer by 5.”

He also said AT&T and Verizon should provide free wireless hotspots for the city’s Black children.

What a novel idea! More gibz will stop the violence. In a completely unrelated development, the Biden Administration has granted “temporary protection to thousands of Haitians:”

The Biden administration on Saturday extended special protections to Haitians living temporarily in the United States after being displaced by a devastating 2010 earthquake, reversing efforts by the previous administration to force them to leave the country…

Mr. Mayorkas said the new 18-month designation, known as temporary protected status, would apply to Haitians already living in the United States as of Friday.

“Haiti is currently experiencing serious security concerns, social unrest, an increase in human rights abuses, crippling poverty, and lack of basic resources, which are exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic,” Mr. Mayorkas said in a statement on Saturday.

Who do they think they’re fooling? There is nothing “temporary” about this. We all know that the Haitians will never return home. Also, it’s been 11 years since the earthquake, and the article itself points out that it’s “security concerns, social unrest, an increase in human rights abuses and crippling poverty” that make Haiti undesirable.

These concerns seem to follow Africans around wherever they go. Here’s an original idea: Let’s increase the gibz to Haiti. If we give every Haitian a computer and free wireless hotspots, the problem will be solved. Just ask Lakayana Drury.

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One Response to Solving Crime with More Free Stuff

  1. countenance says:

    Damn the global silicon shortage, full gibs ahead.

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