White City Council Member in Alabama Shocks Meeting With Racial Slur: ‘Do We Have A House Nigger In Here?’

From Law and Crime:

At a Tarrant, Alabama city council meeting on Monday, a white councilman used a racial slur about Black people, causing noticeable shock among meeting attendees and upsetting one councilwoman so much that she had to step away from the meeting.

According to a report Tuesday in the state-focused website Bama Politics, councilman Tommy Bryant, 76, stood up and loudly asked: “Do we have a house n***** in here?” He says this about 1 hour and 41 minute mark of the Facebook video above. You can also watch it here:

The clip above only shows Mr. Bryant’s offending words, with absolutely no context. For the full episode, I recommend visiting the article here, and viewing the video at the top of the page, from about 1:40 in. That will give some context.

Mr Bryant was out of line saying what he said. However, the mayor had no business bringing up his wife’s Facebook postings in a public meeting. That was very unprofessional, and what probably happened is that the councilman got so upset about it that he lost his composure.

On top of that, his wife’s Facebook postings seem to have been complaints about ongoing, and pervasive, racism against whites. This should be a legitimate topic to address, if it was actually going on. Instead, the mayor used it as a personal attack on the councilman. The mayor doesn’t have a problem with racism (against whites), but complaining about it is inexcusable.

The councilman seemed like he was at wits end with political correctness, after all these attacks on his wife – and then, when they used the term “N-word,” he lost control.

What he should have done, is got up and left. Instead, he let them push him over the edge. I think everybody on that panel was out of line, and they’re all a disgrace. But Mr. Bryant is 76 years old, and he’s probably dealing with a lot of issues, as we’d expect at that age. It looks like he, and his wife, had been struggling with anti-white discrimination for a long time, and he just snapped at this point.

Here’s what the Chicago Tribune had to say about blacks rioting last year:

Impossible to justify, yes. Impossible to understand? Not at all. Police have participated in a quiet riot against black people for generations.

The African American residents of Minneapolis had seen graphic video of a gruesome event. The most obvious interpretation of the footage is that a black man was being calmly, slowly killed by a cop who knelt for minutes on his neck, as other officers stood by.

The images provided a searing display of police cruelty. There was no reason for Floyd to die. But he did.

It would certainly be more constructive for the city’s African Americans to respond to this outrage in a civil manner, as befits citizens of a democratic society. But when peaceful requests consistently fail to elicit changes that are a matter of life and death, we shouldn’t expect endless forbearance from the victims.

Black rage is mainly fed by biased media, whose “news” coverage is specifically orchestrated to inflame the black and Woke population. But the Tribune’s point is, nevertheless, a valid one; everybody has his breaking point, and we shouldn’t be too quick to judge. Mr. Bryant had clearly passed his breaking point, and he deserves at least as much understanding as the Chicago rioters – a lot more in fact, especially considering the fact that Mr. Bryant didn’t hurt anyone, he didn’t destroy any property and he didn’t break any laws.

I feel bad for Mr Bryant, and I hope that he’s got his retirement arranged, and another place to move to – because his life will be a living hell if he stays where he is.

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One Response to White City Council Member in Alabama Shocks Meeting With Racial Slur: ‘Do We Have A House Nigger In Here?’

  1. Lon Spector says:

    They’ll take away his pension no doubt. People decades younger than him
    have had their lives destroyed.

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