Voice of North Korea Speaks up for Whites

One of the channels I subscribe to on YouTube is Voice of North Korea by Yeonmi Park. She’s a budding conservative thinker, and her background gives her a perspective most of us simply don’t have. She was actually featured on American Renaissance not long ago.

In any event, watch this clip:

I think Michelle Malkin should take her under her wing, and groom her to be the next Asian champion of American values and ally of white people.

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4 Responses to Voice of North Korea Speaks up for Whites

  1. Lon Spector says:

    Quite a dolly. Why to they call Asians “yellow?” Asian skin tones look
    pretty white to me. I think M.M. is something of a “has-been.” She cast her lot
    with the “Gropers” under an “America First” agenda. Through M.M. is married
    to a Jew, many conservatives tossed her aside because the Gropers want Jews

  2. Lon Spector says:

    Excuse me, I meant groypers.

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