Bonei Olam: A Lesson from the Jewish Community

Y’all may have noticed the dearth of posts here recently, and the reason for this is that I’ve been on the move, traveling from place to place visiting family – ultimately ending up in Tennessee for the upcoming American Renaissance conference.

Without going into specifics, I’ll tell you that my daughter lives in a highly functional, close-knit and thriving Jewish community. It’s the sort of community we conjure up in our minds when we think of the best that 1950s suburban America had to offer. It’s clean and safe. Neighbors know each other, help each other out and share each other’s joys and sorrows. In his Sabbath sermon, the rabbi at the shule I attended implored his flock to be honorable and honest in their business dealings, and emphasized the importance of keeping one’s word. No distinctions were made between dealings with non-Jews or fellow Jews. The worst behavior I encountered there was a failure to return my greetings when approaching people on the street. The Jewish sages refer to those who fail to return a greeting as “thieves.” I was told that the influx of New York Jews, who tend to be less friendly, is a cultural challenge to the community. New York Jews pose another kind of threat, in the form of higher housing prices they’re able to afford, pushing prices out of the reach of most of the locals.

My impression is that a majority of this community is politically conservative, and I even had a short conversation with a man whose parents had survived the Communist gulags. He understood the challenges America now faces.

My daughter, who is soon to give me an additional grandchild, received a lot of assistance from a Jewish organization called “Bonei Olam” (“builders of the World”). This organization collects nominal fees from its many members, and provides fertility services to couples who need it. Religious Jews understand the importance of strengthening the next generation. What use is the world if no one is there to enjoy it?

Though Bonei Olam is a Jewish organization, its website does not seem to exclude non-Jews. In any event, the non-Jewish white communities of the world should definitely have similar organizations. If such an organization, geared toward American whites, existed, surely millions of people would make modest contributions, even a dollar a month, to this cause. Such contributions add up. After the birth of a child, parents could express their joy and gratitude by donating to this cause.

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