The 2021 American Renaissance Conference

We had a smaller crowd this year than previous years, at least partially due to Covid travel restrictions; The Biden regime has no problem allowing untold thousands of unvaccinated illegal aliens to storm our borders – because they’re “not intending to stay here a long time,” but legal visitors from Europe are required to be vaccinated even if they’ll only be here a few days. Two of our speakers did not want to subject themselves to the vaccine, so they addressed us via pre-recorded video: Ruuben Kaalep, from Estonia and Dries Van Langenhove from Flanders.

Two other speakers, Colin Flaherty and David Cole, couldn’t make it for medical reasons. While Cole’s situation is not life-threatening, Flaherty is struggling with cancer. Sadly, he might not be with us for long. If you are able to contact him, please send him your best wishes.

As for the other speakers, they were all extremely good – and these speeches will be available on Bitchute within a few days.

F. Roger Devlin spoke about envy, and if you think this would make for a boring speech, you’d be wrong; it was quite entertaining and informative. I thought it was a great way to start the conference.

Peter Brimelow spoke about the political situation in the US, and he never disappoints.

Michelle Malkin, appearing for the first time at Amren, gave an emotional speech about open borders, focusing on her own experiences as the daughter of immigrants from the Philippines. I had no idea she was so well-versed in Amren history, and so well-acquainted with our heroes. She expressed deep regret at not having seen the light until after the passing of Sam Francis and Lawrence Auster. If there was ever any doubt regarding her loyalty to America, and the white people who founded it, they are now dispelled. In any case, I don’t think she had even one minute without being hounded by her admirers, including myself.

A long-time follower of Colin Flaherty gave a moving musical tribute via short musicals poking fun at Diversity, and set to popular tunes.

Jared Taylor spoke of the the current status of our ongoing struggle. Taylor is as emotional as he is passionate, so he broke into tears a couple of times during his speech – and it’s hard for me to maintain my own composure when this happens.

Gregory Hood was the last speaker on Saturday, and his speech was titled “The Real Racial Reckoning.” This was the first time I’d ever heard him speak, and I was shocked. Never had I heard such an eloquent and moving speech. Do yourselves a favor, and even if you don’t have time for the other speeches, make sure to watch this one. It’s remarkable.

On Sunday, we were addressed by Sam Dickson, as the conferences always end with a speech by him – and his speeches are always good. It was titled “A Time Whose Idea Has Come,” and the gist of it is that we cannot live peacefully with leftists. They want us dead, and (as true Stalinists), they’ll stop at nothing short of this. It’s up to us to do whatever it takes to protect ourselves from their evil.

Near the end of his speech, Dickson defined “white people” as those whose ancestors were Nicene Christians in 1492. His definition does exclude Jews. One Jewish attendee took exception to this, but I explained that we shouldn’t be bothered by it. Firstly, such distinctions are strictly academic, and secondly, it’s up to white Europeans to determine who is “white” and who is not. Dickson is well within his rights to exclude Jews, and this doesn’t mean he hates us or wishes us harm. Also, Jews routinely exclude white non-Jews from our tribe, so we shouldn’t get upset if some whites exclude us from theirs.

In his video, Ruuben Kaalep described himself as an Estonian Pagan, and that his faith enjoyed continuity back through the ages. I did point out to Mr. Dickson that, according to his definition, Mr. Kaalep would not qualify as “white.” I cannot explain his answer, because I didn’t fully understand it myself, and it seemed unsatisfactory. Hopefully, Mr. Dickson will explain himself more fully in the future.

There were a few protestors, relegated to a distant location. As far as I could tell, we didn’t have any problems from them; security was tight as always.

In previous years, some of us would enjoy lunch at a small restaurant in nearby Dixon. However, this year VDare had reserved the entire venue for its donors. Alas, I was not able to attend.

Overall, this conference was a huge success because of the quality of the speeches, and the quality of the attendees. There were very few weirdos, but we did have a good demographic mix, including a few children. All indications were that everybody was invigorated by this event, and we all left with a renewed sense of purpose.

For a more comprehensive overview of the conference and its speakers, click here.

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One Response to The 2021 American Renaissance Conference

  1. Lon Spector says:

    “This Might Be The Last Time,” by The Rolling Stones.”

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