An MSN headline screams:
Miami Balks When White New Yorker Tries To Open Restaurant ‘Inspired By Che Guevara And Fidel Castro’

The source article is from The Daily Caller, and it mentions nothing that indicates an issue with the owner’s race. The only objections have to do with the ideology of Communism and the cuisine (“mixing Cuban and Mexican food is already an insult on its own, you don’t do that”).
We’re left to wonder why the headline brings up race at all. Is there a quota of racially-charged/anti-white headlines that The Daily Caller is required to fill? Did the author, Jacob Yusufov, believe that his work would gain more traction if the words “white New Yorker” was in the title? Judging from his other article, it doesn’t look like Mr. Yusufov is woke. In fact, he seems to be conservative, and he appears to do good work.
I have sent him an email inquiring about this. In the meantime, submit your theories in comments.
I’ll take a black patriot over a low life deranged white Marxist any day of the