This one follows the usual pattern: A white (or Asian) woman senselessly murdered by a black career criminal – and the Corporate Media ignoring the racial aspect of the crime, in stark contrast to its policy when the races are reversed.
From the New York Daily News:
Uber driver begged for her life, talked of four children before she was fatally shot by customer
An Uber driver talked of her four children as she begged the customer in her back seat not to kill her.
Christi Spicuzza was found dead with a single gunshot wound to the head on Feb. 12 in a wooded area in Monroeville, according to the Allegheny County Police Department. Just days earlier, she picked up 22-year-old Calvin Crew in Penn Hills around 9:15 p.m. Authorities said he used his girlfriend’s phone to order a ride the night of Feb. 10.

Yesterday, I pointed out that The Daily Beast had injected race into a crime where race appears to have played no role. The headline read “White Teacher Arrested After… Slamming Black Student into Wall.”
… but when a white mother of four is murdered by a black man, the Daily Beast headline reads:
Dashcam Footage Shows Uber Driver and Mom of 4 Begging Her Killer for Mercy: Cops
Race is not mentioned anywhere in the article. Here is a clear example of media double-standards, which our ideological enemies will duly ignore.
I blame white males for this. Maybe that is an oxymoran.
The words “white” and “male” don’t go together in 2022.
The swartzer is a mad animal. Their is only one way to deal with it