The Inflation Reduction Act = More Wealth Transfer to Blacks

I’ve been looking over the latest abomination from the Biden administration, and I couldn’t help but notice that the words “African American” don’t seem to appear – though I’ll admit that my focus was on the portion titled “Justice40,” which I first assumed was a reference to 40 oz malt liquor. However…

The reason it’s called “Justice40” is laid out for us here:

For the first time in our nation’s history, the Federal Government has made it a goal that 40 percent of the overall benefits of certain Federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution. President Biden made this historic commitment when he signed Executive Order 14008 within days of taking office.

Justice40 is supposedly about “environmental justice,” but it’s actually about “racial justice” (IE. racial INJUSTICE).

The term “disadvantaged communities” appears numerous times, and (unlike previous bills) non-whites are not explicitly listed. Instead, we’re given a list of criteria. Upon examination, it becomes clear that these criteria are proxies for “African-American communities,” – because the majority of them are clearly designed to include as many black people as possible. There are eight categories, and the first three appear to be race-neutral. As for the last five:

Affordable and sustainable housing

Communities are identified as disadvantaged

IF at or above the 90th percentile for lead paint AND median home value is at or less than the 90th percentile OR at or above the 90th percentile for the housing cost burden

AND is at or above the 65th percentile for low income AND 80% or more of individuals 15 or older are not enrolled in higher education

Median home value does tend to be lower in black areas – due to the neglect and crime inflicted upon them by the blacks who live there.

Reduction and remediation of legacy pollution

Communities are identified as disadvantaged

IF at or above the 90th percentile for proximity to hazardous waste facilities OR proximity to National Priorities List (NPL) sites OR proximity to Risk Management Plan (RMP) facilities

AND is at or above the 65th percentile for low income AND 80% or more of individuals 15 or older are not enrolled in higher education

“Progressives” have, for decades, been complaining that blacks tend to suffer more from proximity to heavy industry, pollution and lead paint. To the extent that this is true, I don’t see a problem with ameliorating this situation. However, I serious doubt that the issue will be solved; we’ll still be hearing about it decades from now.

Critical clean water and wastewater infrastructure

Communities are identified as disadvantaged

IF at or above the 90th percentile for wastewater discharge

AND is at or above the 65th percentile for low income AND 80% or more of individuals 15 or older are not enrolled in higher education

Same as above, and I think this one is specifically aimed at black communities. Flint, Michigan comes to mind.

Health burdens

Communities are identified as disadvantaged

IF at or above the 90th percentile for asthma OR diabetes OR heart disease OR low life expectancy

AND is at or above the 65th percentile for low income AND 80% or more of individuals 15 or older are not enrolled in higher education

All of the listed health conditions are known to be more severe in black populations.

Training and workforce development

Communities are identified as disadvantaged

IF at or above the 90th percentile for low median income as a percentage of area median income OR linguistic isolation OR unemployment OR percentage of individuals in households at or below 100% Federal poverty level

AND 10% or more of adults 25 or older have not attained a high school degree AND 80% or more of individuals 15 or older are not enrolled in higher education

This one clearly targets blacks, but also Latinos, who are the primary “linguistically isolated” group in America.

In conclusion, this is yet another massive wealth transfer from whites to blacks and Mestizos, even though rural communities are also beneficiaries. As for “reducing inflation,” it will have the opposite effect, as Tucker Carlson explains here:

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