Nine Organizations at Berkeley Law School Ban Zionists. Leftist Jews shocked!

Some of my new friends here in D.R. are Jewish, and one of them shared a Jewish Journal article with me today:

October 3, 2022

We, the undersigned Jewish and pro-Israel organizations, are disappointed by recent events at the University of California, Berkeley, in which nine registered student organizations at Berkeley Law have amended their bylaws to ban any speakers that support Israel or Zionism — a standard Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky noted would ban both himself and 90% of his Jewish students from speaking at events hosted by these organizations.

The article doesn’t list the nine organization, but another Jewish Journal article does:

… these are not groups that represent only a small percentage of the student population. They include Women of Berkeley Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association, Law Students of African Descent and the Queer Caucus

The second article goes on:

It is now a century since Jewish-free zones first spread to the San Francisco Bay Area (“No Dogs. No Jews”). Nevertheless, this move seems frightening and unexpected, like a bang on the door in the night.

“Unexpected?” Perhaps this comes as a surprise to those whose heads have been buried in the sand for the past few decades. It’s certainly not unexpected to me. All of the groups in question have been coddled by the Establishment Left, and taught that white people are the scourge of the Earth. In their eyes, Jews are simply uber-white people, worthy of the same scorn and derision as other white people, but even more so.

I’ll quote David Cole, describing black and brown apathy about the Nazi Holocaust:

The problem isn’t not knowing but not caring. “Brown” America, the nonwhite Americans exalted domestically and imported from abroad by people like Soros and Weingarten, don’t give a damn about no Jew Holocaust. Back in 1996, a landmark Contemporary Jewry study found that black and Hispanic students not only don’t give a crap about the Holocaust, black students actually care less about it the more they learn about it. The study found that focusing on the Holocaust in school makes black students actively hostile toward Holocaust history.

Obviously, the reason black and brown people don’t care about the Holocaust is that, in their eyes, it’s just a bunch of white people killing other white people.

Official victim groups, in America, are taught to hate white people, and most American Jews look just like any other white people – therefore, we shouldn’t be surprised when said victim groups lash out against Jews; it’s just another form of lashing out against whites.

Unlike other whites, however, we Jews are actually allowed to speak up in our defense. We haven’t lost our political voice yet.

As for my Jewish friend, I’m not sure I’d call him a leftist (we haven’t really spoken about politics), but he was both surprised and outraged at this development, especially considering the fact that his kids attend that school.

Note: I’ve been having technical issues with my computer and internet, so please forgive any typos that might have escaped my notice.

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4 Responses to Nine Organizations at Berkeley Law School Ban Zionists. Leftist Jews shocked!

  1. 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    And Jews are completely complicit in all of this. I’ll say it one more time: if Hitler were non-white, we’d be fighting for first place in line for the camps.

  2. 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    Hey Reuben, did you see this?

    Hope your stay in DR will continue to be uneventful–once the immigration is stabilized.

    • jewamongyou says:

      Yes, I’m aware of the wall. Unfortunately, it’s not helping. Every day I can see that there are almost as many Haitians in DR as Dominicans. They’re flooding over the border, and I’m told that things will REALLY get bad in another month or so, when the food runs out in Haiti.

  3. Jklp1943 says:

    As Kanye just found out and should have diverged from zionist controlled institutions before speaking. The tribe really doesn’t do itself any favors any longer.

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