Canadian Retailer Simons Wants White People to Commit Suicide
I found this gem on Twitter:
What fresh hell is this?
☠️ New Canadian ad campaign selling suicide
Kingsley Cortes writes: I’ve never seen so many white people in a commercial— Angel.A (@angelalambert14) November 28, 2022
Funny how Diversity goes out the window when it’s suicide, or birth-control, being discussed. Then, all of a sudden, it’s mostly whites that are depicted.
birth-control, being discussed. Then, all of a sudden, it’s mostly whites that are depicted.
Here’s another example, from a white back:
Billboard in London Encourages White People to Sterilize Themselves
A billboard has appeared in London encouraging white people to sterilize themselves to solve overpopulation.
The sign, which was put up on Holloway Road, says “Imagine a city less crowded… do your part–get sterilised! Yay!”
Spotted in London (Holloway Road)…
Funny, this sign doesn’t meet the usual ‘diversity’ requirements of all the others around London.
— Charlie (@CharlieIDM) October 24, 2019