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Monthly Archives: January 2023
A Rabbi Speaks the Truth About Jew Hatred
I found this on Twitter, and had to share it. Note: The post was removed from Twitter, but it’s still on YouTube. The subtitles are accurate:
“Fact-Checking” Claims of Anti-White Bigotry
Some of ya’ll might remember that a while back, America First Legal aired a television ad complaining of anti-White bigotry by the Biden administration. It turns out that there is no such thing as anti-White bigotry, because a “fact-checker” says … Continue reading
Save the Pandas—Kill the White People!
Steven Tucker just wrote an excellent piece on The Great Replacement “Theory.” I strongly recommend reading it in its entirety. In a nutshell, Tucker provides some background information about the recent shooting of three random Kurds in Paris by William … Continue reading
The Micro-Aggressions Victims Unit (MVU)
Let’s take a break from our dreary lives, and enjoy this gem from the Babylon Bee:
Change.Org Petition to Stop Execution Richard Moore
The sick ideology known as “Critical Race Theory” teaches that all Whites are considered racist, by default, against blacks. Taken to its logical conclusion, this would mean that our system of Trial by Jury is flawed, and needs to be … Continue reading
What Are We Doing to White People
Westernkind Art posted this video to Twitter: I was impressed with the video, especially considering how young Mr. Cheon is. I predict great things for this young man, and told him so in comments… Speaking of comments, many of the … Continue reading
Why Not Turn Yourself In To The Police?
A video has been circulating, showing a man robbing a restaurant in Texas. As he was wrapping it up, and on his way out, a diner shot him dead. When I first saw the video, the full version was available. … Continue reading
European Union Orders Stained-Glass Windows Destroyed; They Lack Diversity
In a long-overdue decision, the European Union president Charles Michel has announced that member states must destroy most stained-glass windows, depicting people, within cathedrals and churches. The reason for this edict should be obvious: They lack diversity. The ruling doesn’t … Continue reading