How Capitalism Destroys Indigenous Societies

Yes, it’s a clickbait title, but a somewhat accurate one.

Check out this tweet:

From the typical socialist’s point of view Capitalism = greed. Specifically corporate greed, which is usually a result of the corporate establishment. Conservatives take a broader view of Capitalism, which is simply human nature: You fix my shoes, and I’ll give you eggs. It’s simply quid pro quo, and all human societies engage in it, or there would be no human societies.

At this point, it’s more than corporate greed that encourages mass migration into the West. Ideology clearly plays a large role, but this shouldn’t stop us from blaming “Capitalism” for the destruction of our societies via invasion.

In the above tweet, Robert Jones is referring to Australia, whose indigenous population is generally considered to be non-White. But this same dynamic applies to Europe. Europe’s indigenous populations are being brutalized and displaced, and we might as well blame “Capitalism” for it, along with the usual suspects – at least when interacting with leftists. Of course, a major hurdle for them is recognizing that Europe’s Whites are indigenous populations.

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