Most of y’all are already familiar with the Biden video clip, where he promotes The Great Replacement. I’ve posted it before, but here it is again, all 60 seconds of it:
The Snopes article, not surprisingly, categorizes this claim as “false.” If you read it critically, you’ll recognize it as a convoluted piece of thinly-disguised propaganda.
The MSN version of the article, which I linked to above, doesn’t include the video at all – but the original Snopes article does. I pointed out that the video is 60 seconds long. The version that Snopes chose to use, however, is only 45 seconds long:
I don’t know why TrumpGirlOnFire chose to use this truncated version of the video, but I DO KNOW why Snopes selected it: It leaves out the part where Biden says this demographic shift is “something we can be most proud of.”
How convenient for Snopes.
The Snopes article goes on to say:
Such posts actively misrepresented what Biden actually said in 2015. First, he was referencing white Americans of European descent, specifically.
… which makes no sense at all, because that’s the whole point. White-advocates aren’t worried about Iranians or Afghans; they’re worried about European Whites being replaced. The fact that Biden was referring to European Whites makes it even worse. For the life of me, I can’t figure out what point Snopes is trying to make here. Leftists, can you please explain this to us?
Next, the article states:
Further, he was not promoting an active agenda of replacing that group or other “white Americans” with immigrants of color, and no other evidence shows that he has acted on, or supported, such policies to make that happen.
It’s obvious from the video, even the truncated version, that Biden considers the demographic decline of Whites to be a good thing. Biden has been part of the US government, in Congress, as vice-president and now as president, since 1973. That’s 50 years in politics.
Is Snopes actually claiming that in all those 50 years, Biden never did anything to promote a process that he considers “a good thing,” and “something to be proud of?” If so, what kind of person would that make him?
What kind of individual serves in the government for 50 years and does nothing to promote an idea he firmly supports? A process he specifically says “we can be proud of?”
If we had any doubts before, they are now dispelled: Snopes is nothing but a shameless tool of far-left propaganda.