Transsexual Activist Understands the Bible…

This transsexual activist understands the Bible better than most “Christian” clergy these days. It realizes that the Bible OPPOSES transsexual behavior (Deuteronomy 22:5).

A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.

Practically every time I pass a church in the US, I notice a rainbow flag, or a BLM sign. This means that the church in question is not a Christian church, but a Communist church. Do they actually believe that they can be better Communists than the Communists themselves?

“Christians” who behave this way, and kowtow to the woke agenda, come across as weak-kneed losers who pathetically cry out, as they fade into history, “PLEASE PLEASE join our church! I beg of you!! We’re woke too. See! We even support BLM and sexual degeneracy!!”

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