Sometimes, all I need to do is quote a headline, and the post writes itself.
The above headline is not exactly as it appears in Yahoo News. Here’s the actual headline:
Vigilante violence disproportionately harms marginalized communities: Researchers
There’s not much difference between the two versions. Obviously, criminals will suffer disproportionately from vigilante justice, especially when it’s the ONLY JUSTICE.
Here’s more from (arguably) the most stupid article of 2023:
Researchers told ABC News that Neely’s death highlights how marginalized groups are disproportionately impacted by vigilante efforts, which can manifest in violence and even death.
“There’s a power imbalance that determines who’s seen as upholding what’s good and what’s right … and who’s more likely to be seen as violating social norms or doing something that’s wrong?” said Regina Bateson, a political scientist and professor at the University of Ottawa, in an interview with ABC News.
If there’s a “power imbalance,” it certainly didn’t help Kyle Rittenhouse much; he should never have even been charged. It didn’t help Eric Chauvin; he obviously had no intention of killing George Floyd, and should have been charged with manslaughter. It didn’t help Travis McMichael, Gregory McMichael, and William “Roddie” Bryan. who never should have been charged. Those last two trials were a mockery of what our court system is supposed to be. They’re a cruel joke.
If you’re looking for somebody who actually benefited from an “imbalance of power,” New York prosecutor Alvin Bragg appears to selectively prosecute based on race; he specifically stated that he’d refrain from prosecuting certain crimes. From the New York Post:
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg announced on taking office he would not prosecute even some very violent crimes.
Almost immediately after he distributed his now-infamous Day One memo, two police officers were killed and a few others shot.
A 19-year-old girl was shot and killed working at a Harlem Burger King.
He is incompetent, and we knew this would happen — I and others warned of it during the campaign.
And that was way before he woke up one day and decided a former US president is one of the few people he would actually prosecute.
Things have not gotten better, only progressively worse (pun intended).
In his first year, Bragg downgraded 52% of felonies to misdemeanors — compared with 39% downgraded in 2019 — and had a dismal 51% conviction rate for felonies he did charge.
There are certain crimes that Bragg is enthusiastic about prosecuting. He prosecuted (White) Dominican Jose Alba for daring to fight back, and kill, a black criminal who was attacking him with a knife – only backing down after public outcry. He prosecuted Donald Trump for obviously political reasons, and for what should have been (at most) a misdemeanor.
O.J. Simpson benefited from an “imbalance of power,” so you see, this imbalance has been there for a long time.
We can clearly see where the imbalance of power lay – and it’s not in favor of White people.
The article goes on to state the usual garbage about “a history of lynching and oppression by Whites against blacks” completely ignoring the daily brutality Whites suffer from blacks, and have been suffering for a long time.