I Congratulated a Dutchman Today

I was at the beach with friends, and there was a man there I didn’t recognize. Introducing myself, he revealed that he’s Dutch. Naturally, I congratulated him on the recent election, in which Girt Wilders won the most seats. He wasn’t the first Dutchman I’d congratulated – but he was the first to disagree.

It turned out he’s a socialist, and a brainwashed lemming who actually believes the globalist narrative.

He told me that “all of the migrants are working,” but that an economy needs about 4% of its population to be out of work – so that they can be available when jobs materialize.

I wasn’t in the mood to argue, and arguing politics at the beach with a bunch of guys is not a winning proposition…

However, I mulled over what he had said, and I wondered about a few things:

Let’s assume that he’s right about the economy, that the migrants are good for the economy, that they contribute mightily, and that the Netherlands needs 4% of its population idle.

If we accept all this, then we must conclude that the Netherlands’ economy will continue to thrive (he told me the Wilders cannot form a coalition, so he won’t be able to deport anybody).

With a thriving economy, it’s obvious that more and more migrants will arrive. It’s also obvious that, with their bourgeoning population, their political clout will grow.

It’s obvious that they’re not going to abandon Islam in large numbers. On the contrary, they might become even more radical, as we’ve seen in the rest of Western Europe.

Additionally, African/MENA migrants have higher birthrates than Native Europeans. It’s inevitable that they will dominate the country, rule over the natives, and replace the native population.

If there’s a mechanism whereby they will either a) assimilate into Dutch society or b) decrease in number over time I’d like to know what it is – because nobody with power, in Western Europe, has a plan to make this happen. At least nobody has a plan that could actually work.

Therefore, I’d like to people such as the one I met today:

Is the economy more important to you than the very survival of your people? Is it more important than the freedom of your descendants?

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