White-Supremacy is Correct After All!

For a long time, I’ve insisted that I’m not a “White-supremacist,” and that it’s dishonest to describe any race as being “superior” to another. After all, each race is adapted to its environment. Each one is “superior” for that environment.

Lurking in the back of my mind percolated a different approach: That it is accurate to describe Whites and Asians as “superior” to the black races. We can reach this conclusion without even resorting to race-realism, biology or evolution.

Here’s a recent post of mine from a Quora space I run:

Portland Public Schools Now Required to Punish Students Differently Based on Race

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this means black students are now officially allowed to get away with worse behavior. White and Asian students will face harsher punishment for the same behaviors.

It also doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the result will be more misbehavior from blacks.

It’s a pity that the power-elite is oblivious to such facts.

Alec Schemmel, Washington Free Beacon, December 2, 2023

A new collective bargaining agreement between Portland Public Schools and its unionized teachers requires school officials to consider a disruptive student’s race, gender identity, and sexual orientation when crafting that student’s disciplinary plan.

When a student exhibits “continuous disruptive behavior,” the agreement says, school officials must develop a “support plan” for the student, which can include disciplinary measures such as detention. That plan “must take into consideration the impact of issues related to the student’s trauma, race, gender identity/presentation, sexual orientation … and restorative justice as appropriate for the student,” according to the agreement. The new disciplinary policy also eliminates mandatory suspensions for students who threaten or harm others—now, those students may only be removed from their classroom, not from school altogether.

The policy change reflects a broader effort at both the federal and local levels to develop race-conscious disciplinary rules for public school students. Earlier this year, for example, the Biden administration released a memo urging schools to refrain from suspending students for truancy, arguing that “significant disparities by race … have persisted in the application of student discipline.” School districts in Washington and Illinois, meanwhile, have adopted disciplinary policies that aim to provide a “culturally responsive” and “restorative approach” to student discipline…

The district’s collective bargaining agreement attempts to center school disciplinary procedures on “racial equity and social justice.” In a November 2022 memo, for example, Portland Public Schools’ collective bargaining team argued that “Black, Native American, and other students of color are referred out of class significantly more often,” reflecting the need to instill “Restorative Practices” into the district’s disciplinary process…

The district’s decision to change its disciplinary procedures for students comes after Portland-area students experienced an uptick in fights and behavioral problems after returning to the classroom for the 2021 school year.


This is just one example of many. It’s been normal, for many years now, that Whites and Asians must work harder, and adhere to higher standards, in order to stand a chance against blacks and Latinos, who are prioritized.

If Whites and Asians must work harder, and behave better, then they will be (in practice) superior. They’re REQUIRED to be superior. The system demands it.

Decades of such a racial caste system will, inevitably, lead to different cultural norms within different populations. When a people is forced to be better, it WILL be better. Another word for better is “superior.” We don’t even have to cite biological racial differences. Cultures changing under duress is enough. Biology can be viewed (in certain scenarios) as frosting on the cake.

One might object, “aren’t cultural norms subjective?” Not really. A glance at population movements will reveal that Africans are moving to WHITE societies, and not the other way around. Hundreds of millions of Africans dream of moving to Europe or Asia – but very few Whites or Asians dream of moving to Africa. Houses in White and Asian areas cost more than houses in black or Latino areas – because the consensus is that White neighborhoods are superior. An ambitious and intelligent black person will strive to leave “the ghetto.” Ambitious and intelligent Whites don’t strive to move TO the ghetto, unless it’s for charity work.

The irony here is that leftist policies bring about this situation. The very “White-supremacy” that the Establishment Left constantly moans about is actually CREATED by the Establishment Left, at least in part.

There you have it. As a group, Whites and Asians are superior to blacks and Latinos, at least in the Western world – and we reached that conclusion without the need for studies; only common sense.

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3 Responses to White-Supremacy is Correct After All!

  1. White woman says:

    Another way to view this is when you ‘enable’ a person (or population, or race) to live in mediocrity (or below that), many will. The non-white races are being crippled, or are crippling themselves by believing this treatment is for their benefit, when it is not.

    I disagree with a few points though:
    “It’s a pity that the power-elite is oblivious to such facts.” Are they really? Or is everything working out as planned?

    “White and Asian students will face harsher punishment for the same behaviors.” Maybe not. They may simply face punishment, wherein non-whites will not. Although that can be viewed as harsher punishment.

    The white races may be superior in their ability to build civilized societies and in their ingenuity. The black races may be superior in their athletic ability, for example.

    I agree with you, though, that this new punishment initiative may have an effect on the white races that they improve even more, and strive to be better through necessity, which will make them superior, and our perceived superiority may become more evident particularly in contrast to the decline of the non-white races due to this initiative.

    Or, this could have the effect of diminishing the abilities of the white races if we are abused and marginalized from society where we are unable to fight back. I also consider as to how slavery in the US may have affected the black race in this way. Although the time is long past where they had a leg up in order to benefit themselves but did not.

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out. It reminds me of the saying: Rough times make tough men. Tough men make good times. Good times make weak men. Weak men make rough times. I think the races in the US are simultaneously in different zones related to this saying. I hope it toughens the white race.

    • jewamongyou says:

      There will be Whites who give up, thinking “Why bother if I can’t win.” We already have those – but when it comes to positions of power and responsibility, we’ll increasingly see inferior non-Whites, and a sprinkling of competent Whites, filling those positions.

  2. anonymous says:

    I do not believe that this initiative is geared towards people of gender identity, sexual orientation, or even Latinos. This initiative is about misbehaving black students. Those other groups were thrown in to obfuscate reality. I went to a school that was majority Mexican and minority black, and the few blacks were consistently disruptive. Also, the single black student in class, though physically more mature, was often behind the grade level of the Mexicans. The difference was quite clear, yet Asian and Whites were few to none at this school.

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