Mayor of Boston Holds Holiday Party That Specifically Excludes White People. Boston Globe Defends Her
When the mayor of Boston, Michelle Wu, held a holiday party, in a state-owned facility, that excluded White people, there was some pushback from conservatives – but not enough for an apology or for any consequences for Miss Wu.
Shirley Leung, writing for the Boston Globe, uses a word-trick to justify Mayor Wu’s decision:
Had Mayor Tom Menino thrown a Christmas party for Italian Americans, or Mayor Marty Walsh one for Irish Americans, would that be news? Or what if any mayor of Boston threw a reception just for women politicians?
A bit of critical thinking would reveal the difference: Holding a party for one specific demographic, while not always justified, is not singling out any other demographic for exclusion. Miss Leung is claiming that “people of color” comprise a specific demographic. In fact, it’s a term whose only purpose is to exclude White people. The only people who are not “people of color” are White people. Hence, the party was exclusive, not inclusive.
Miss Leung also writes:
First there was outrage when the invite mistakenly went out to the entire Boston City Council, not just the six councilors of color. Then the real horror set in: the realization that white people are not welcome.
To which people of color everywhere reacted: Welcome to our world.
Really? I’d like to see Miss Leung list similar events that specifically exclude non-Whites. She’s have to go back decades to find one – and when I say “similar,” I mean by political leaders on state-owned property. The only group that’s regularly excluded in modern America is White people.
Miss Leung goes on to write:
That feeling of being excluded should have been short-lived. Wu threw another holiday soiree on Monday, also at the Parkman House, for a broader group of city and state politicians. About 50 people attended.
Are we to understand that it’s okay to exclude, and discriminate against, a group of people as long as we hold an event later that does not exclude them? I’m trying to imagine a White mayor justifying his exclusion of black people on the grounds that they were allowed to attend another event.
Finally, Miss Leung acknowledges the Great Replacement:
To me, it represented a night to remember how far we have come and how Boston’s power structure is finally changing to reflect the majority-minority city it became more than two decades ago.
… and I say “acknowledges” tongue-in-cheek, because (again, using a word-trick) Leung words it as if the demographic change is something that happened naturally, without any help from politicians, policies or goals. Boston “just happened” to switch from majority-White to majority-non-White on its own.
Here’s a rhetorical question: Is Mayor Wu in favor of the mass migration of (mainly non-Whites) into the US? Of course she is:
The mayor on Wednesday said the city will continue to support arriving migrants, with spaces to stay and work authorizations.
The current “migrant crisis” is just the latest chapter in the Great Replacement – which the Establishment Left conveniently blames on Climate Change.
If you’re trying to figure out who’s in power, and who’s the underdog, this case should clarify it for you. Non-Whites are allowed to exclude Whites on government property, and this behavior will be justified by corporate media.