Another Example of Brazen Media Antiwhiteness

Somebody on Quora already did the work:


Typical headline, this one from AP: “Florida deputy mistakes falling acorn for gunshot, fires into patrol car with Black man inside.” The fact that a Black suspect was in the car had nothing to do with the incident, and if the suspect in the care had been White, this story wouldn’t have even been reported. Incidentally, the deputy was Hispanic, judging by his name, but they don’t mention that either.

A simple case of an accidental discharge in which no one was hurt, and race had nothing to do with it, but because a Black was in the car it’s suddenly newsworthy. Typical media race-baiting.

Here is the story Peteprint84 links to:

Florida deputy mistakes falling acorn for gunshot, fires into patrol car with Black man inside

FORT WALTON BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A Florida sheriff’s deputy mistook the sound of an acorn hitting his patrol vehicle for a gunshot and fired multiple times at the SUV where a handcuffed Black man was sitting in the backseat, officials said.

The man, who was being questioned about stealing his girlfriend’s car, was not injured during the Nov. 12 shooting. He was taken into custody but released without being charged. The officer who initiated the shooting resigned…

Investigators viewing the video from Deputy Jesse Hernandez’s body camera saw an acorn falling just before shots were fired, an internal affairs report by the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office concluded. The acorn bounced off the patrol vehicle’s roof…

Reviews of the case by the sheriff’s criminal investigations division and the county’s state attorney’s office found no probable cause for criminal charges for Hernandez, who started with the agency in January 2022.

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2 Responses to Another Example of Brazen Media Antiwhiteness

  1. 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    But he must have been a WHITE Hispanic.

    • jewamongyou says:

      If they can get away with burying his Latino name at the end of the article, that’s good enough for them. They know most people won’t read that far. If it were a major story, then they’d have to be more creative.

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