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Monthly Archives: March 2024
DEI Will KILL People
I’m reposting this from Paul Joseph Watson: Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet A commercial pilot emails: “Thought you may find this valuable. This has been going on for years.” “We’ve all known about the few DEI hires into the cockpit, where … Continue reading
New York City Jobs Program Excludes Whites
The City of New York is spending tax dollars on a job program that excludes White people – unless those White people happen to be sexual deviants or poor. In practice, any White person who wants to apply can claim … Continue reading
Woke Control of Book Publishing
I recently spoke with some friends back in the US, and I asked them about a novel they were working on a few years ago. When it was almost ready to be published, they gave me a manuscript to look … Continue reading
18 Months Probation for a Hate-Crime Against a Child
When is a hate-crime not a hate-crime? When the perpetrator is black, and the victim is White. Back in late January, we read about a black woman “randomly” attacking a little White girl at a mall. There was no provocation … Continue reading
“At Least I’m Not a Khazar”
I had an interesting encounter today. I arrived at the park where I usually work out, and a couple of black Americans were there. After exchanging pleasantries, and chit chatting about the park equipment and where we’re from in the … Continue reading
What Does it Mean to be Institutionally Racist?
Let’s find out!!
Whites Have No First Amendment Rights in Massachusetts
In Massachusetts, there is no First Amendment for White people: 6 eighth graders charged over online chat that included mock slave auction: DA Six Massachusetts eighth graders face criminal charges in connection with “hateful and racist comments” in a group … Continue reading
Any Port in a Storm; Taking Evil Allies
Life is complicated, and sometimes we find ourselves involved in various conflicts at the same time. We must make difficult choices. Sometimes, we choose to ally ourselves with people we would normally want dead. Here’s a Quora answer that makes … Continue reading
Racial Double-Standard for All to See
Thanks to BIPOC Doing Racism for finding these stories, both from the same journalist: Melissa Koenig: Like others, I posted this tweet/question to Melissa Koenig’s most recent post. I doubt she’ll provide an answer. It’s been pointed out that Koenig … Continue reading
Canada May Implement “Minority Report” Tactic Against White-Advocates
Hat tip to my friend Diversity Chronicle for sending me this story. Many of y’all may remember the movie Minority Report; it’s one of the few movies I’ve actually watched; I’m not much of a movie buff. It’s worth watching … Continue reading