When do black murderers deserve harsh punishment, and no parole? When their victims are black women – of course!
A Change.org petition is asking authorities to revoke the bail of a black man who brutally murdered his black wife in front of their daughter. I hope the petition succeeds.
But I won’t sign it. I won’t sign it until, and unless, ALL black murderers are treated harshly. The system we have in place today is geared toward keeping black men out of prison. This is a higher priority than public safety, or the dignity of the victims.
When reading the petition, I knew that the murderer is black, even though his photo doesn’t appear on the petition page. Had he been White, it would have been framed as a racial issue.
Here is his photo:

From the petition page:
My sister Robin Simpson, was brutally murdered by her husband, Michael Simpson Jr. in Houston, TX. This horrific act of violence wasn’t just a murder; it was a savage act that involved stabbing her over 100 times and removing her heart, brain, gutted and mutilated her body, all while their 8-year-old daughter watched helplessly fearing for own life. He chased them through the house yielding a knife as he terrorized Robin to death.
All the while the Houston Police sat outside of her house as this happened. According to HPD, Lt. R. Willkens told FOX 26 Houston, Robin called the police about her husband running around the house with a knife having suicidal thoughts and they were pulling up as her call dropped. Robin called the police twice as she was being chased and attacked. The one officer got there he waited outside the house for the other officer to arrive before they went out back. We want to know how long did it take from her call till the first officer arrived till the 2nd officer arrived. How much time did Michael Simpson Jr her killer have to gut her body, take out her brain and heart?
I hope Robin Simpson’s family finds justice – but I will only lend my voice to a cause that includes the WHITE victims of black savagery. It’s likely that Simpson, and her family, all vote Democrat. I say this for two reasons:
- This tragedy was framed primarily within the framework of “domestic violence.” There is no mention of the lenient treatment violent criminals receive nationwide. If any of the affected victims were conservative, they would have framed the issue much more widely.
- They’re black, and the vast majority of blacks vote Democrat.
In the petition, Robin’s sister asks: “We want to know how long did it take from her call till the first officer arrived till the 2nd officer arrived.”
I want to know if they supported BLM, and “defund the police.” Maybe they didn’t, but it’s a fair question.
Too many blacks disparage, even attack, the justice system that Whites so painstakingly built – and then demand answers when that same system isn’t robust enough to deliver justice to them when they need it.
They wanted the police to respond more quickly. Did they support the police when the police were under attack nationwide?
They criticize the justice system for its leniency toward their relative’s murderer. Did they demand harsher punishment for violent criminals prior to this?
I am reminded of another black Simpson a while back who did indeed get away with a couple of murders of white victims.
Update: Looks like OJ went to his reward. Good riddance.
One of his jurors admitted that they KNEW he was guilty, and voted “not guilty” out of antiwhite hate. Disgusting.