Blacks Should NOT be Allowed on Juries

“Blacks should NOT be allowed on juries.”

Do you think that’s a racist statement? It’s not racist at all. I’ve made other statements, on this blog, that are indeed racist – which doesn’t mean they are any less true. However, the above statement is not racist.

When we allow blacks on juries, specifically for racially charged crimes, what we’re actually doing is allowing blacks to get away with murder:

This has a little to do with the low average-IQ of blacks, which makes them more susceptible to antiwhite indoctrination, but it has more to do with the CRT dogma that permeates Western society today.

Under certain circumstances, a multi-racial society might work. We don’t have those circumstances. Instead, we have corporate media, education system, government and corporate world that conspire to foment as much antiwhite sentiment as they can.

The result is a contaminated black jury pool. With today’s political climate, all black jurors are suspect – and I’m not saying a black jury CAN’T be impartial. It can happen, and I actually knew a black man who was part of such a jury. That’s what he told us, and having known him well, I believe him. We can’t depend on black juries to be impartial when somebody’s life is at stake, or when a murderer would be set free – as in the O.J. case.

In a just and reasonable society, White defendants should be able to cite the above video in order to exclude black jurors, and so should prosecutors when the defendant is black and the victim White.

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