I just posted this on the IOTBW moderator space in Quora:
Is this what IOTBW is now about?
White Quorans: Who’s treated you worse? Whites or minorities?
Jews, I will be blunt here, dont know it will get accepted or not.
I could criticize Islam and expect a decent disucssion and rebuttal from a Moslem than, criticizing Israel when i face constant abuses from Jews and threat to my career. Jews can literally screw your career for criticizing their Judeofilth state
Lets be honest here, Jews have for years being the real enemy of Whites, behind the scenes. its their way of extracting revenge from us for Holocaust.
They screwed middle east, pulling America in endless wars, only later to promote immigration of arabs in Europe and US. Its their way of destorying our western white civilization
I thought we’d made it clear that criticism of ANYBODY is allowed, including Jews and Judaism, but that we need to be fair, nuanced and professional about it.
… and then this follow up comment:
“Any Jew apologist comment here will be deleted.”
The submission poster’s name? “ZyclonedSteins-Marx.”
The moderator who accepted it? An open neo-Nazi.
I haven’t been doing much moderating recently, and this is a big reason why; I feel like I’m pissing against the tide. It’s discouraging and demoralizing, and I feel like it’s a losing battle.
Sure, we have a lot of followers now. So does The Daily Stormer, and Stormfront. Nobody’s making money off of the space, so our goal shouldn’t be getting the biggest number of followers, but producing QUALITY content – content that’s WHITE POSITIVE, not bashing other groups, such as blacks or Jews. At this point, very little distinguishes IOTBW from just another neo-Nazi site.
Either do a major purge, and return to the original stated concept, or continue into the abyss. I’m not getting into a moderator war, and I can’t fight this battle alone.
Yes, I know that our enemies will use this post against us. A healthy attitude would be to accept that – and recognize valid criticism as an opportunity for improvement. Not everything our enemies say is automatically wrong. We’re supposed to be better than that – and we should learn from our enemies…
… such as Muslims. Muslims use a multi-pronged approach to world-conquest. They use violence*, peaceful persuasion, “love-jihad,” financial pressure and the arts in their quest. They’re very successful. If every pro-White venue has a neo-Nazi character, then people will equate White-positivity with neo-Nazism. We need to show them that there’s a better way, that there’s room in our movement for those who are NOT neo-Nazis.
Can IOTBW be that venue?
*I’m not condoning violence here, simply pointing out that the multi-pronged Muslim approach is very inclusive.
Yes, it’s unfortunate but I find that Quora space IOTBW distasteful in so many ways.
I don’t like the constant blaming of other races, groups, etc. I don’t agree with that. I don’t want to see white people on that space “mocking” black people or others. I thought we were supposed to be better than that; above that? I often see arguments in the comments about which nationalities are really white and should be accepted as white. I see a lot of comparison of women of different races and trashy women photos in the comments. It makes me very uncomfortable. It’s hypocritical to what I thought were our morals, goals, conservative values. Basically, it seems very childish, and I often wonder about the ages of the posters and commenters, but I understand age does not necessarily correlate to maturity. I bear in mind there could be “agent provocateurs” making some posts and comments to make us look bad. I would prefer IOTBW to be a place simply for white positivity, to support each other when we are being marginalized, and ideas to improve ourselves morally, spiritually, physically, etc.
I think we would be successful, as a group, if we simply withdrew all our attention from everything and everybody but ourselves, focused on self improvement in all areas; including people, our neighborhoods, towns, etc. Become the light, so to speak. Once we started making an impact it would not go unnoticed.
We can only blame so much on “agent provocateurs” considering the fact that some of the moderators there are, as I pointed out, neo-Nazis. In any event, I’ve created a new White-positive space on Quora:
I didn’t want to make it appear that the intention is to replace IOTBW; that can never happen, because I’ll never get that many followers. IOTBW has over 40K, and I’ll be lucky to get 1000 if that. It doesn’t matter to me, because I’m not after a lot of followers. I just want there to be a space that’s TRULY White-positive without any toxicity.
I haven’t sent out invitations to the new space yet, though I already got one (critical) comment. I wanted to give the IOTBW owner a few days to respond to my criticism. So far, nothing.