Watch these two imbeciles going at each other:
Piers Morgan is an imbecile and an establishment lackey. Here we see him becoming upset that a black man is calling him a “racist.” Well guess what Piers. The establishment narrative that you support includes the premise that all Whites are racists – and you’re White!
At around the 35-second mark, you’ll hear him claim that a Palestinian life has the same value as an Israeli life. Speaking in general terms, this is preposterous.
The claim that “all lives have equal value” is an empty platitude; nobody actually believes it.
Here’s a thought experiment: Ask a leftist if he would kill a White slave owner or the slave if he had to kill one of them. Obviously, he’ll choose to kill the slave owner, and no amount of mental gymnastics could hide the fact that the leftist considers the life of the slave to be more valuable than the life of the slave owner. In fact, some leftists would even go so far as to have ALL “racists” killed if they could; they don’t value the lives of “racists” very much at all.
There are plenty of examples we could throw at conservatives as well – and at people from all political spectra. Nobody truly believes that all lives have equal value.
Generally speaking, Israeli lives have greater value than Gazan lives. Gazans are programed, from an early age, into genocidal hate and bigotry. Israelis generally are not – though some do feel this way. Gazans treat animals very poorly, and they treat women very poorly – and they treat sexual minorities very poorly. Israelis are the opposite, with some exceptions of course.
Whose life is worth more, that of a narrow-minded, hateful, bigot, or that of an educated and tolerant individual? This would be a good place to include an interview I just listened to, and I encourage y’all to spend the 2 hours listening to it as well. It’s very enlightening:
Listen to the above interview, and you’ll grasp the immense chasm that separates Israeli society from Palestinian (specifically Gazan) society.
Again, I emphasize that I’m speaking in generalities here. Obviously, individuals will vary. For example, Mosab Hassan Yousef’s life obviously has tremendous value.
Let’s stop pretending, and acknowledge the fact that killing Gazans, even civilians, is justified if it needs to be done in order to prevent future massacres of Israelis. The death of Gazan children is a sad affair, but it’s not as sad as the death of Israelis.
Note to my fellow White-Nationalists/advocates:
How can you side with the Gazans, against the Israelis, when Israel embodies most of the positive aspects of Western (read WHITE) civilization, while Gaza represents the exact opposite? Don’t let your hatred toward Jews blind you to the difference between a society of educated, advanced, people versus a society of savages.