Looking back at my past posts, it appears that I’ve never adequately dealt with the question of why Jews so often seem to hate Whites – even to the point of orchestrating/encouraging the destruction of all White civilizations.
Somebody on X asked me this question, and included some clips of Jews hating Whites – such as this one:
… and this one:

… and this one:

Of course, I could add to those examples – and this post would be very long.
One could also compile a long list of NON-JEWISH Whites who hate White people – such as Joe Biden and Bill Gates. What we see above has an element of confirmation bias. Jews stand out when we’re acting AS JEWS. People notice us more than they notice non-Jews doing the same things.
I actually have a relative who does volunteer work for Afghan migrants to the US. I’ve been trying to reach him but with no success. I know him fairly well, and he’s a do-gooder. He certainly believes that he’s helping people, and he hasn’t given much thought (if any) to the fact that he’s also hurting people.
Jews have a tradition of philanthropy, and just as with Whites/Americans, this tradition has been hijacked and subverted toward the destruction of Western civilization. Too many Jews actually believe that “migrants” are underdogs and deserving of our sympathy and aid. I would guess that many Jews, involved with HIAS for example, sincerely believe that they are doing the Lord’s work by helping those in need. Others might have more nefarious motives.
We Jews have a long history, and this sometimes means that we’re stuck in the past. Many Jews have studied Jewish history. They’re aware of the many massacres, restrictions, expulsions and indignities perpetrated upon us by Christians – starting with the Byzantines. Our liturgy includes prayers by, and for, the many Jews who died as martyrs at the hands of Christians. The Inquisition and the Crusades come to mind.
Of course, we’ve also suffered from Islam, but this is not emphasized as much – and I can think of a couple of reasons for this:
- In the case of the Jews of Arabia, no trace was left of those Jewish communities. With no survivors, not much was written about it. Other Mizrahi communities may have written about it, but very few Jews still use their liturgies; the vast majority of Jews today are Ashkenazi.
- Ashkenazi-supremacy in Israel. Throughout its short history, the state of Israel (and Jewish Palestine) was dominated by Ashkenazim. Ashkenazim had most of the money and influence. The State of Israel was founded largely as a consequence, and response, to the Nazi Holocaust – which affected mainly Ashkenazim. When Israelis say “Never Again!” they’re referring primarily to the persecution of Ashkenazim. The persecution of Mizrahim is an afterthought, brought up when it’s politically expedient. Even though individual Mizrahim (older ones) harbor hatred toward Arabs and Muslims for the suffering of their forefathers, this suffering is not at the forefront of the Israeli psyche. Hence, when the average Israeli thinks “persecution,” Christian/Nazi persecution comes to mind.
Along these lines, we should bear in mind that corporate media focuses almost exclusively on the persecution of Jews perpetrated by White people. As we all know, the corporate media is fanatically antiwhite – and Jews, even Israeli Jews, are often indoctrinated by it. The fact that much of the corporate media is run by Jews doesn’t mean that Jews are somehow immune to the poison it spreads.
There is another reason religious Jews are sometimes more sympathetic toward Islam than toward Christianity (and, by extension, toward brown people over White people): In traditional Judaism, Islam is considered to be the most kosher religion for non-Jews in the world. Christianity is pagan and polytheistic. Never mind that Islamic dietary laws are similar to Jewish dietary laws. The important thing is that Muslims don’t worship a trinity; they have only one God. Christians, at least as it existed through most of Christian history, has three. Some forms of Christianity even have idols. This is an abomination in Judaism.
As stated, Jews are often stuck in the past. In today’s world, Islam is our enemy and Christianity is our friend. Perhaps it’s too much to ask of my fellow Jews to focus on the present and relegate the past to where it belongs.
Many times, when we see that “hundreds of rabbis sign petition for migrant rights,” or something of that nature, we find that most of those “rabbis” are reform. Reform “Judaism” is actually Progressivism with a thin veneer of Jewish tradition over it. The same can be said for most churches today. Hence, it should come as no surprise when such “rabbis” support the Great Replacement.
Lastly, I’ll point out that idiots exist in every demographic. I wish I had the opportunity to confront the (Orthodox) rabbi in Iceland. Maybe someday I’ll have the opportunity – but I already know what he would say, because I was involved with his sect (Habad) for a few years in my youth. He would tell me that it’s a “mitzva” (Torah commandment) to welcome migrants. It’s very difficult to reason with such people.
I hope, Radical Racoon, that this helps. Feel free to comment.
I’ll say it once again: if Hitler were non-white, American Jews would be fighting for first place in line for the camps.
But apart from that, the other threat to Jewish survival is our failure to breed. Here is a particularly despicable example:
We went to a community Passover seder sponsored by Chabad a few weeks ago. The young rabbi and his wife already have four kids and another “frummie” couple showed up with three. In contrast, my maternal grandmother had three kids, five grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and four great-great-grandchildren.
L’dor va’dor indeed.
Indeed, and this is evident everywhere. The NYT article is behind a paywall.
Incidentally, did you notice my post about starting a new website/group specifically for pro-White Jews? I assume you want to be in the loop. If so, please comment on that post. We already have a few more people, and some plans to get the word out.
Ellen Bernstein embraced a syncretism between Judaism and environmentalism. The key takeaway is that although she was married (to a guy to whom she was second wife) and had stepkids, she never bothered to have any of her own. I guess saving the planet was more important than Jewish continuity.
A womb is a terrible thing to waste.
Oddly enough, HIAS brought in the most conservative Jews into America (Soviet and Iranian) in the 70s and 80s. Once it gave up its Jewish mandate it became as you describe. And if you actually take a look at their current board and officers, how many are Jewish? How many of the few Jews are Zionist? That is. pro self preservation, in the Yisrael Klal tradition? Probably none. The likes of HIAS have been existed historically for millennia now (though HIAS itself has a pretty funny foundation) and there were good reasons- to redeem Jewish captives, to fund far off and impoverished Jewish communities. Once that gets abstracted, it immediately becomes corrupt and toxic.
Thanks for the information. I take it you’re Jewish? If so, and you’re interested in being part of our new pro-White Jewish group, please comment on the following post:
Glad that you’re posting more often these days. I’ve enjoyed your blogs for many years. I met you at an Amren conference many years ago.
Wow! Old friends are really coming out of the woodwork these days. What a pleasure, and thanks for your patronage.
You’ve probably already seen that we’re starting a new website/group specifically for pro-White Jews. It will be called Yehi Or (let there be light).
Please comment here if you’re interested in following or participating:
Gotta say I think you’ve drunk the Jew koolaid
What I mean is you accept this line that Jews were just hated to death for no reason. In my sixty four years many spent in NYC as a goy among you I’ve never once heard one Jew offer any explanation why this might be never once has a Jew ever thought to explain what it was they were doing in other peoples countries to begin with never a brief narrative such as a historian might give of the conflict as seen from both sides. How many times have I heard about pogroms in Russia but never once what Jews were doing or what they did later during their communist revolution nothing about the Roman’s writings nothing about Weimar Germany the rothschildes war mongering we could go on for volumes.
When I was a kid at my parents arty intellectual cocktail parties full of drunk Jews spewing hate I concluded it must have been paranoia that we were all secret Nazis I used to think it’s why you imported the none whites as camouflage in case we reverted to our true Nazis selves now I don’t care why you have acted exactly the same in every country you claim irrationally hated you it’s just your culture your religion it’s sorta effective you’ve survived so great for you but one of these days maybe you won’t be so lucky