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Category Archives: examples of propaganda
Confronting School Indoctrination First Hand
I just got back from a visit back to the US, where I was taking care of one of my child-relatives; he was convalescing from surgery. The state (or county) paid for a teacher to visit his home several times … Continue reading
Cheddar Man is Now Part of Black History in UK
I’ve written about Cheddar Man before, but this video sums it up very nicely, and adds some interesting information:
I’m Still Alive…
But I’ve been extremely occupied with construction. I’ll be happy when it’s all done, and then I can focus on other things – such as blogging. In the meantime, I thought I’d share this: Naomi Seibt@SeibtNaomi Today I was approached … Continue reading
Australian Associated Press Shows its Bias
According to the Australian Associated Press website: Australian Associated Press is the beating heart of Australian news. AAP is Australia’s only independent national newswire and has been delivering accurate, reliable and fast news content to the media industry, government and … Continue reading
Woke Control of Book Publishing
I recently spoke with some friends back in the US, and I asked them about a novel they were working on a few years ago. When it was almost ready to be published, they gave me a manuscript to look … Continue reading
Racial Double-Standard for All to See
Thanks to BIPOC Doing Racism for finding these stories, both from the same journalist: Melissa Koenig: Like others, I posted this tweet/question to Melissa Koenig’s most recent post. I doubt she’ll provide an answer. It’s been pointed out that Koenig … Continue reading
Another Example of Brazen Media Antiwhiteness
Somebody on Quora already did the work: Peteprint84 Typical headline, this one from AP: “Florida deputy mistakes falling acorn for gunshot, fires into patrol car with Black man inside.” The fact that a Black suspect was in the car had … Continue reading
Google AI’s (Gemini) Shameless Antiwhiteness
Somebody on Quora pointed out that Google’s AI chat is blatantly antiwhite. This is no surprise. Here’s the original post, followed by my comment: Quora User I suggest All White people go to Google Gemini and ask Gemini these 2 … Continue reading
Coulter Was Right. Newsweek Covers for Black Criminals
Recently, Anne Coulter pointed out that if the Kansas City Superbowl shooters were White men, we would already know it: Both Van Jones and Bill Maher balked at that assertion – revealing either gross ignorance, or sinister adherence to an … Continue reading
Layer Upon Layer of Antiwhitism
The University of California hosted a speaker who called Whites “psychopathic,” and claimed that White-on-black rape is institutionalized. From Fox News (MSN): The University of California, San Francisco recently hosted a speaker who suggested Whites were “psychopathic” as part of … Continue reading