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Category Archives: guns and gun-control
Coulter Was Right. Newsweek Covers for Black Criminals
Recently, Anne Coulter pointed out that if the Kansas City Superbowl shooters were White men, we would already know it: Both Van Jones and Bill Maher balked at that assertion – revealing either gross ignorance, or sinister adherence to an … Continue reading
Was Loomer Denied Gun Rights Due to Politics?
Laura Loomer has repeatedly claimed that her natural right to own a gun has been violated by the Federal Government due to her politics. She writes: What I haven’t shared with you is that last year, I found out my … Continue reading
Reposting my New Memes
Somehow, my older post got deleted. There were some server issues. Anyway, here they are again: The above meme is to mock Lewontin’s Fallacy, which (in a nutshell) states that race is not a valid biological concept, since genetic disparities … Continue reading
ABC News Misleading the Public About Guns
Here’s one of today’s MSN headlines: As it turns out, 3 people were killed in that shooting. It probably would have been a lot more, if not for an armed citizen who shot the murderer dead. From the article: The … Continue reading
Statistica Fudges Statistics, and CNN up to its Usual Tricks
Somebody posted this meme on the It’s Okay to be White space on Quora: The post was reported, and this was my response: Report reason: Harassment or Hatespeech (explanation: This answer is clearly racist and lists numbers that do not … Continue reading
Uvalde: How Gun Control Kills Kids
I’m not one to post about current events in their immediate aftermath, but as details emerge about the latest school shooting, I’m angry. Angry enough to vent my spleen on this blog. As the latest tragedy unfolded in Texas, the … Continue reading
The Evil Hypocrisy of Jerry Nadler & Co
If you watch this video clip, you’ll see that Jerry Nadler opposed an amendment that would have excluded illegal immigrants, who have a history of drunk driving, from gaining amnesty: He said, Someone can change. That’s why we have the … Continue reading
The Austin American Statesman; Reading Between the Lines
A Daily Wire headline screams: Texas Newspaper Refuses To Give Description Of Suspect In Mass Shooting Because Of ‘Stereotypes’ A newspaper in Texas said on Saturday that it is not publishing the description that local law enforcement gave of a man … Continue reading
‘People are scared’ as gang activity fuels Portland violence
An Associated Press story illustrates some of the built-in flaws of “progressive” thinking: There have been 37 homicides in Oregon’s largest city so far this year, more than six times the number recorded in the same period last year. If … Continue reading
Rhode Island Officials Call for Stricter Gun Laws
An Associated Press article decries the recent uptick in gun violence that has plagued Rhode Island: Addressing gun violence in Rhode Island will require stricter gun laws as well as improved social programs that address the underlying socioeconomic issues, congressional, … Continue reading